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ASSIGNMENT: For this assignment, you will create a SMART goal for yourself in the domain of physical wellness based on improving a health-related or skill-related component of fitness. You will also apply the FITT principle to the three main types of physical activity to create a 7-day personalized fitness plan and detail how to maintain and assess your progress.
Download the submission template below, which further breaks down the steps involved in this assignment. You will return the completed template as your Touchstone submission.
Touchstone 3 Submission Template
The following tutorials may be helpful to you as you work on your Touchstone assignment.
Wellness Assessment
Health-Related Fitness
Skill-Related Fitness
Cardiovascular Training Exercises
Resistance Training Exercises
Flexibility and Mobility Exercises
Your Exercise Program
In order to foster learning and growth, all work you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any plagiarized or recycled work will result in a Plagiarism Detected alert. Review Touchstones: Academic Integrity Guidelines for more about plagiarism and the Plagiarism Detected alert. For guidance on the use of generative AI technology, review Ethical Standards and Appropriate Use of AI.
A. Directions
Step 1: Download the TemplateDownload and review the Touchstone 3 Submission Template.
Step 2: Review the RubricReview the Touchstone rubric below in Section B to see how you will be graded.
Step 3: Complete Parts 1–3 of the TemplatePart 1: Your Fitness-Based SMART GoalDevelop a SMART goal for yourself based on improving a health-related or skill-related component of fitness through physical activity or exercise. Describe which health-related or skill-related component(s) your goal best fits.
Discuss your current fitness level and experience (related to your SMART goal) and describe why this SMART goal is important to you.
Part 2: Creating a Personalized Fitness PlanUse the three provided tables to design a week of physical activity/exercise that is appropriate for your current fitness level and SMART goal and applies the FITT principle to cardiovascular training, resistance training, and flexibility/mobility training.
Part 3: Maintaining and Assessing Personal ProgressDescribe an anticipated barrier and strategy to overcome said barrier in working toward your SMART goal.
Describe one idea for progressing your fitness program (over the course of a few weeks or months) to continue progress toward your SMART goal.
Step 4: Submit Your Completed TemplateOnce your Touchstone is complete, submit it for grading by selecting the Submit button at the top of this page.
Refer to the checklist below throughout the Touchstone process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.
1. Your Fitness-Based SMART Goal
❒ Have you provided a goal that meets all five aspects of SMART?
❒ Is the goal based on improving a health-related or skill-related component of fitness?
❒ Have you provided details on your current fitness level and experience and why this SMART goal is important to you?
2. Creating a Personalized Fitness Plan
❒ Do you have a completed table for cardiovascular training that includes all aspects of FITT?
❒ Do you have a completed table for resistance training that includes all aspects of FITT?
❒ Do you have a completed table for flexibility/mobility training that includes the relevant aspects of FITT?
3. Maintaining and Assessing Personal Progress
❒ Have you described a barrier and corresponding strategy in working toward your SMART goal?
❒ Have you described an idea for progressing your fitness program over time, related to your SMART goal?
B. Rubric
Advanced (100%)Proficient (85%)Acceptable (75%)Needs Improvement (50%)Nonperformance (0%)
Identify a goal to improve a health-related or skill-related fitness component, detailing the five aspects of the SMART goal framework. (10%)Clearly states the SMART goal and provides a thorough explanation for each of the five SMART dimensions.Either the SMART goal is not clearly stated or one of the SMART dimensions is not explained or is unclear.The SMART goal is not clearly stated, and two of the SMART dimensions are not explained or the explanation is unclear.The SMART goal is not clearly stated, and three or more of the SMART dimensions are not explained or the explanation is unclear.The response is not related to the course material or is off topic, or so little work has been done that no credit may be given.
Health-Related or Skill-Related Component
Describe which health-related or skill-related component(s) the goal best fits. (5%)
Clearly lists a health-related or skill-related component and provides a clear rationale for the goal’s fit for that component.Clearly lists a health-related or skill-related component; the rationale provided for the goal’s fit is brief.A health-related or skill-related component is listed, but the rationale for the goal’s fit is unclear.The health-related or skill-related component is not clearly listed and does not provide a rationale for the goal’s fit, or the rationale is unclear.The response is not related to the course material or is off topic, or so little work has been done that no credit may be given.
Current Fitness Level, Experience, and Importance
Discuss the current fitness level and experience (related to the SMART goal) and describe the SMART goal’s importance. (5%)
Clearly describes the current fitness level and experience and explains why the SMART goal is personally important.Either the fitness level and experience is described but the answer is brief or the importance of the SMART goal is described but the answer is brief.Either the fitness level and experience are not discussed or unclear or the importance of the SMART goal is not discussed or unclear.The current fitness level and experience is not clearly identified, and the importance of the SMART goal is unclear.The response is not related to the course material or is off topic, or so little work has been done that no credit may be given.
Table for Cardiovascular Training
Craft a cardiovascular training plan using the FITT principle: frequency (at least 3 days listed), intensity, time, and type provided for each listed day. (25%)
The table clearly contains all required components of FITT for each listed day of cardiovascular training, and at least 3 days are listed.The table has 3 days listed of cardiovascular training, but 1 day is missing FITT components or is unclear.The table has 2 days listed of cardiovascular training, but 1 day is missing FITT components or is unclear, OR the table has 3 days listed of cardiovascular training, but each day is missing FITT components or is unclear.The table has 1 day listed of cardiovascular training, and the day is missing FITT components or is unclear.The response is not related to the course material or is off topic, or so little work has been done that no credit may be given.
Table for Resistance Training
Craft a resistance training plan using the FITT principle: frequency (at least 2 days listed), intensity, time or reps/sets, and type provided for each listed day. (15%)
The table clearly contains all required components of FITT for each listed day of resistance training, and at least 2 days are listed.The table has 2 days listed of resistance training, but one to two FITT components are missing or unclear (such as lacking at least one exercise for all seven major muscle groups).The table has 2 days listed of resistance training, but three to four FITT components are missing or unclear, OR the table has only one completed day of resistance training with all relevant FITT elements present.The table has 1 day listed of resistance training, and the day is missing FITT components or is unclear.The response is not related to the course material or is off topic, or so little work has been done that no credit may be given.
Table for Flexibility/Mobility Training
Craft a flexibility/mobility training plan using the FITT principle: frequency (at least 2 days listed), time, and type provided for each listed day. (15%)
The table clearly contains all required components of FITT (intensity not required) for each listed day of flexibility/mobility training, and at least 2 days are listed.The table has 2 days listed of flexibility/mobility training, but one to two FITT components are missing or unclear (such as lacking at least four different flexibility or mobility techniques or movements).The table has 2 days listed of flexibility and mobility training, but three to four FITT components are missing or unclear, OR the table has only one completed day of flexibility/mobility training with all relevant FITT elements present.The table has 1 day listed of flexibility/mobility training, and the day is missing FITT components or is unclear.The response is not related to the course material or is off topic, or so little work has been done that no credit may be given.
Barrier and Strategy
Describe one anticipated barrier to the SMART goal and one strategy to help overcome the barrier. (10%)
Clearly describes one anticipated barrier and one strategy related to overcoming the barrier.Describes one anticipated barrier and one strategy, but one or the other is brief or unclear.Describes one anticipated barrier and one strategy, but both are brief and unclear, or the strategy described is unrelated to the barrier.Either the barrier or the strategy is missing and not described.The response is not related to the course material or is off topic, or so little work has been done that no credit may be given.
Describe an idea for progressing the fitness program over time (weeks or months) to continue SMART goal progress. (5%)
Clearly describes an idea for progressing the fitness program that is directly relevant to SMART goal progress and is a logical progression based on FITT principles and the previously described fitness level and experience.Describes an idea for progressing the fitness program, but the idea lacks some details in demonstrating logical progression.Describes an idea for progressing the fitness program, but it is not a logical progression based on the FITT principles and/or the previously described fitness level and experience.Does not discuss a logical idea for progression, or the application to the SMART goal is unclear.The response is not related to the course material or is off topic, or so little work has been done that no credit may be given.
The response follows conventions for standard written English and meets the requirements. (10%)
There are almost no errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization; all length and formatting requirements are met.There are minor errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization that do not impede readability; the length and formatting requirements are nearly met.There are frequent errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization that somewhat impede readability; the length and formatting requirements are nearly met.There are consistent errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization that significantly impede readability; the length and formatting requirements are not met.The response does not meet the minimum threshold for points to be awarded.
C. Requirements
The following requirements must be met for your submission to be graded:
Use the provided template completed with a readable 11- or 12-point font.
The composition must be original and written for this assignment, and all writing must be appropriate for an academic context.
Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited.
The submission must include your name and the date.
Include all of the assignment components in a single (.doc or .docx) file.

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