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Module Three | Assignment Three
In Chapter 8, you should develop a broad understanding of performance assessment. In this application exercise, the fictitious setting specifies that you are talking with a board member who already knows what performance testing is, so you are being asked to describe two or more features of task-selection andresponse-scoring. Draw on your broad understanding of performance assessment and identify two or more actions teachers should take when dealing with the designation of performance-test tasks and with the evaluation of students’ responses to performance-tests tasks.After you’ve submitted your response, I will post an illustrative response, which is intended to represent an appropriate response that will also help you judge the appropriateness of your own response. Consider the following:
Please assume that a recently elected member of your local school board, Josiah Jeffries, has asked you to help him learn more about performance assessment because his knowledge of educational measurement is quite limited. He says he has a general idea about what performance testing is, but he knows little about the nuts and bolts linked to the actual implementation of performance assessment. In 300 words or less, prepare a short explanation for Mr. Jeffries regarding task selection for performance testing and the scoring procedures employed for evaluating students’ responses to performance tests. As your explanation addresses these two topics, be sure to mention at least a pair of specific actionable items teachers should do related to each of these two topics
EDS 8846 Illustrative ResponseEDS 8846 Illustrative ResponseCriteriaRatingsPts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent5 ptsExemplary All aspects of the writing prompt are fully addressed. • Writing effectively communicates educational content to the intended audience. • The response is properly formatted for the intended audience (letter, email, notes, etc…)
4 ptsProfessional An aspect of the writing prompt is not fully addressed. -or- • Writing communicates educational content to the intended audience. -or- • The response is not properly formatted for the intended audience (letter, email, notes, etc…)
3 ptsNeeds Improvment An aspect of the writing prompt is not fully addressed. -&- • Writing communicates educational content to the intended audience. -&- • The response is not properly formatted for the intended audience (letter, email, notes, etc…)
0 ptsNo Marks The writing prompt is not fully addressed. • Writing does not communicate educational content to the intended audience and is not formatted for the intended audience.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization – Conventions5 ptsExemplary Ideas are sequenced in a logical way that strongly supports the reader’s understanding and the writer’s intent. • Use of headings, paragraphs, and transitions help clarify main points. • Organization reflects strong grasp of intended text structure (e.g., persuasive, reflective, expository, etc.) • Demonstrates excellent use of standard writing conventions: spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence construction, paragraphing, grammar and usage with virtually no errors. • Sentences are structured effectively, employ rich vocabulary, and vary in length and style. • Thoroughly edited and prepared
4 ptsProfessional Ideas are sequenced in a logical way with only occasional digression or ambiguity. • Headings, paragraphs, and transitions are correctly used but basic. • Organization is appropriate for the text structure but unsophisticated. • Demonstrates competent use of standard writing conventions with few minor errors • Sentences are structured well, convey intended meaning, but may lack variety or richness. • Well edited and prepared considering time limits.
3 ptsNeeds Improvement Though readable, Ideas are sequenced inconsistently or illogically; content may be confusing or lack cohesion. • Headings, paragraphs, and transitions are used inconsistently or ineffectively • Organization reflects very basic understanding of text structure or purpose Demonstrates inconsistent use of standard writing conventions though effort is evident. • Sentence structure varies, but attempts to use complex sentences may be ineffective. • Effort has been made to edit and prepare final draft, but may lack thoroughness or quality.
0 ptsUnacceptable No apparent organization of ideas: Writing is difficult to follow. • Headings, paragraphs, and transitions are not used or are used incorrectly. • Organization reflects little understanding of the text structure or purpose. • Demonstrates poor use of standard writing conventions: Numerous errors or a pattern of errors indicate lack of understanding or care. • Sentence structures are simplistic or misused. • Poorly edited or formatted for the intended purpose. Preparation reflects a lack of effort or attention.
5 pts
Total Points: 10

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