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In this module, we have learned about intrusion analysis and incident handling & information gathering.
For this discussion, select one of the following cyber incidents from 2021:
The VolkswagenLinks to an external site. & Audi data breach covering Canada and USA.
Facebook,Links to an external site. Instagram, and LinkedIn via Socialarks – an unsecured Chinese social media company caused a major data leak.
Any attack from the global hacker group “DarkSide”Links to an external site. who was responsible for the Colonial pipeline shutdown, extortion of the German-based company Brenntag, and many more.
Any global cyber hack/incident that was well published and took place in 2021.
You are assuming the role of a SOC analyst in the data center at the organization of your choosing. Currently, it is “all systems go” and “green light” status throughout the network. Then suddenly, you get an alert of some sort indicating an attack is taking place.
Considering this, respond to the following questions for your initial post:
What is the alert that is coming in and from what device(s), tool(s), or software? What is it indicating?
How are you proceeding to determine if the alert is real or a false alarm?
What tool(s) are you using from chapters 2 & 3 in your process?
What framework(s) are you using in your process?
***The tools listed from chapter 2 are attached. The tools listed from chapter 3 are as follows: Whois Lookups, DNS Lookups, War Dialing, and War Driving. If these are incorrect please utilize a plausible option consistent with the topic as the class is titled Digital Forensics and Investigation. Lastly, the referenced book utilized for this assignment is:
Mitropoulos, Nick. ( © 2020).Gcih giac certified incident handler all-in-one exam guide . [Skillsoft version] Available from ***
What data are you collecting during your initial stages and where are you recording it?

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✔Secure ✔ Original ✔ On Schedule