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Again, it should be emphasized that this exercises are not about teaching “web design” or “web programming” in general; instead we are just using the browser as a “platform” for our actual scripts… and that the creation and execution of these scripts requires no tools above and beyond what you likely already have installed on any machine… a web browser and a text editor.
ObjectiveCreate a simple “Rock, Scissors, Paper, Lizard, Spock” game in a web page where YOU play against the computer for a given number of rounds (specified by you).
See: Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard – Sam Kass
InstructionsCreate a “web page” with the following components: An input field for the “number of rounds to play”The “number of remaining” rounds should also be displayed somewhere on the screen.
A button to “Start” the game play. The function attached to this button can “setup” the rest of the game. For example: initialize counters, show/hide other components, etc.
A set of buttons for the player to choose their play: Rock
An output field where the computer displays it’s play. (Same set as above)
An output field which displays the result of the current round:For example: Computer won with rock breaking scissors.
The game should end when the number of rounds specified at the beginning have been played.The “overall winner” should be displayed. For example: Human wins after winning 3 of 5 rounds.
SubmitJSFiddle link with your code running without errors
All HTML and JS files packaged into a single .ZIP file. (THIS IS IMPORTANT!)
complete the following three JavaScript exercises:1)
Write a JavaScript function to get the values of First and Last name of the following form. Sample HTML file :

Return first and last name from a form – w3resource

First name:
Last name:

2) Here is a sample html file with a submit button.
Write a JavaScript function to get the value of the href, hreflang, rel, target, and type attributes of the specified link.


3) Write a JavaScript function to add rows to a table.
Sample HTML file :

Insert row in a table – w3resource

Row1 cell1 Row1 cell2
Row2 cell1 Row2 cell2

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