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Case 11—Netflix Page C-56-C-76
Helpful questions to consider
How strong are the competitive forces in the rapidly evolving global market for streamed video content?
What forces are driving change in this market for streamed entertainment? Are the combined impacts of these driving forces likely to be favorable or unfavorable in term of their effects on competitive intensity and future industry profitability?
What key factors will determine a streaming company’s success in this industry in the next 3–5 years?
What is Netflix’s strategy? What type of competitive advantage is Netflix trying to achieve?
What does a SWOT analysis of Netflix reveal about the overall attractiveness of its situation in mid-2020?
What is your appraisal of Netflix’s operating and financial performance based on the data in case Exhibits 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7? What positives and negatives do you see in Netflix’s performance?
How well is Apple positioned to compete in the global streaming market as of mid-2020? What do you see as Apple’s chief competitive weakness, and what can Apple do to correct this weakness?
Conduct a strategic analysis using the Executive Summary template. Prepare and submit a two page executive summary that discusses what strategic alternatives are available and provide a recommended strategy. Prepare the report to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings outlining the 2–3 top priority issues that Netflix management needs to address and the actions you think Hastings should initiate to address these issues and sustain Netflix’s leadership in the global market for streamed entertainment. Your report should contain detailed and convincing reasons in support of each one of your recommendations. It is imperative that the support offered for each of your recommendation be based on (a) conclusions drawn from application of the concepts and analytical tools discussed in chapters 3 and 4 and (b) the content of chapters 5–7 regarding strategic moves that may be suitable for Netflix in striving to gain a sustainable competitive advantage over its rivals.
You are to work alone to analyze and prepare the Executive Summary for the case. NOTE: Click “Submit Assignment” in the upper right hand corner of your screen to turn in your Executive Summary no later than Sunday, midnight CT.. Name your file with your name and the unit number, i.e. Jones1 or Brown1. Your file should be in either Microsoft word (.doc or .docx) or rich text (.rtf) format.
Submission Format
Name your file with your name, and paper 1 i.e. Jones paper or Brown paper. Your file should be in either Microsoft word (.doc or .docx) or rich text (.rtf) format.
Required Information
The following information will be required for the Executive Summary. TEXTBOOK CASE ANALYSIS GUIDANCE(CAG) and the TEXTBOOK BUSINESS CASE ANALYSIS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TEMPLATE These files are required for the unit textbook case studies.
Synopsis of the Case: The content of the synopsis should present relevant background facts about the case under examination.
Relevant Factual Information about the Problem or Decision the Organization Faced: State the precise problem or decision the organization faced. The section should include information that addressed the business issue under examination. This section should be no longer than a single paragraph.
Explanation of Relevant Concepts, Theories and Applications Derived from Course Materials: This section should be the bulk of your paper. Analysis of the business problem or decision in light of the course concepts must be presented, as well as the business lesson another organization could learn from this situation. Besides citation to the text, learners must conduct research in the University library related to the top. Citing the textbook only is not enough to demonstrate you understand and can apply the course objectives. Here is where comparative and contrasting positions should be considered and examples and illustrations provided.
Recommendations: Provide logical recommendations to address the business lesson identified above. The recommendations need not to be specific to the organization examined, but should consider how other organizations, if similarly situated, could lessen the impact of the problem or decision identified. Recall, that the organization under examination has already moved pasted this problem so any recommendations made, at this point, are fruitless. The focus of this section should be on what other companies should be aware of to address similar problems or decisions. Citation to the textbook alone is insufficient for analysis in this section. Learners should conduct research in the University’s library to support their positions. Depth of scholarship is not demonstrated by providing personal opinions alone, but by using examples, analogies, comparison and illustrations from the academic literature. Not only does this synthesize the material to assist the reader’s understanding, it is an effective way to present the academic sources and extend the discussion of your ideas. This section should be a paragraph or two.
Alternative Recommendations: This section is not a continuation of the prior. Provide suggestions for how to avoid the problem or decision the examined organization faced. Analysis here should be may be forward- thinking, predictive or, most likely, preventative in nature but tied to the thesis statement. Again, opinion is insufficient to provide the required academic analysis. Sources, other than the text, must be provided to sustain the statements made. This section should be a paragraph, at most.
Conclusion: End the assignment with a summary of the important points made in the document. No new information may be presented. Writing a conclusion can be done by rewording the opening or reformulation the topic sentences of each paragraph to make a summary for the reader. This section should be a paragraph, at most.

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