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Discussion Activity 2: FEDERALISM (20 points)Research an issue facing either the federal government or you state government. You may use an article in a newspaper, magazine, or on the internet.
The following are some recent examples of issues facing our federal and state governments:
federal ban on assault weapons, limiting magazine capacity, address mental health issues;
teachers and school staff arms training to protect schools;
permitting concealed weapons on college campuses or in bars;
providing young illegal aliens legal status and a work permit;
comprehensive legal immigration reform;
protecting homeland security post 9/11;
fighting the war on terrorism;
reforming Social Security, and Medicare and Medicaid;
health care reform, e.g. establishing state/federal insurance exchanges to provide insurance options;
climate change
energy: natural gas production or alternative fuels
banning collective bargaining by state public employees;
state/local funding of public education;
running elections (e.g., Early voting); and
gay marriage.
women in combat roles
criminal justice reform.
You will share what you have learned about your federal or state issue during a class discussion at the Discussion Forum, “The Monocle.” Your posted response should be no longer than a short paragraph. At the conclusion of your statement, please provide:
the author
title of the article
and reference, e.g. Dayton Daily News.
Also, you will comment on one of your classmate’s articles during the class discussion at “The Monocle.” Let your fellow classmates know what you think about the issue and how the government is dealing with a particular problem. Your comment can be brief.
Discussion Activity 2 – Federalism Find a newspaper/magazine article that discusses an issue facing the federal government or state government.
It could be protecting homeland security post 9/11, fighting the war against terrorism, federal Rescue Package addressing the Financial credit crisis to ease the “credit crunch”, federal assistance to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (government loans to assist the mortagage giants), the federal bailout of the the three U. S. auto makers, permitting concealed weapons on college campuses, state/local funding of public education, running elections (e.g., Early Voting), and gay marriage. You may use the Internet or Sinclair’s LRC’s News Bank data base.
In your first post, share what you have learned in your newspaper/magazine article with your colleagues. You may want to mention what you found mostinteresting about the article to them (Discussion Activity #2-Federalism). In a second post, comment on one of your fellow classmates issues and state whether you agree with your classmate’s conclusions on how the government is solving that particular problem.

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