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TERM PAPER TOPICS ARE UNDER THE “ASSIGNMENT” LINK – at the end of the page. This project allows you to apply several concepts YOU LEARNED in this class. The application of concepts in this manner will enable you to see first-hand how the concepts apply to the real world. You must WORK INDIVIDUALLY. NO COPYING FROM EACH OTHER. Your grade will reflect your ability to apply concepts and theories from the class to the TERM PAPER or project. The research for this project should extend beyond dependence on the Internet. There are numerous sources of market data available. When you do use data from an Internet source the source should be cited and should be a reliable, recognizable source of data. Submit your Term Paper in the drop box. Write 10 pages term paper on any of the following topics:
1. The Impact of COVID-19 on the Economy
2. The Impact of Branding or Advertising (choose any product(s))
3. The cascade trade of the stock market during COVID-19
4. The free enterprise system versus the socialistic system
5. ‘Good to Great’ by Jim Collins
6. The ‘World is Flat’ by Thomas Friedman
7. Profit maximization versus your integrity
Your success in the business world will depend, to a large extent, on your ability to communicate. Courses during your first few years at the Business School provided the opportunity to hone your written and oral communication skills. This course will provide you with the opportunity to develop further both of these skills. You will be required to write a formal report which might possibly be available for external judges at the end of the semester and try to convince them of the strength of your Project. You might also be required to submit several written business reports. The purpose of this section is to help you with your written assignments by providing a number of helpful suggestions as well as outlining my expectations.
Substance: You should substantiate what you are trying to convey with facts and data. In most cases, you will be asking the reader of your business report to commit substantial resources–financial, human, or physical–to a project. The decision-maker will not make the decision because you think is a good concept. Rather, you will need to convince the reader by providing hard facts and data with appropriate citations. Your rationale and reasoning should be explained logically and clearly. Effective business reports are not documents put together at the last minute—they take time to develop.
Style: The style of your business reports should be clear, concise, and to the point. The executive reading the report does not want to be entertained. He or she wants the information necessary to make a decision. Avoid flowery language with lots of adjectives and adverbs. I have high expectations. If you want to excel in the business world you should too.
Outline: You should follow the outline provided. However, most word processing software includes an outlining function. Use it. Begin your reports by developing an outline to organize your thoughts and the concepts you are trying to convey. The more comprehensive and detailed your outline, the easier it will be to write the report.
Proofread: Carefully proofread each publish of the report. You will probably need three or four publishs before you are satisfied with the report.
Exhibits/Appendices: I do not expect to receive exhibits or appendices with your handwriting on them. Instead, you should have typed exhibit numbers (let me know if you want some help). This includes copying exhibits from other sources. Unless you are using a photograph that cannot be reproduced in Word document, I expect you to make models, charts, spreadsheets on your own. This takes time but it is all part of being professional. Due dates: Reports are due on the dates assigned and at the start of our business meetings. Late reports will have the grade lowered accordingly. Grading: Reports will be graded as if I were an executive trying to make a business decision based upon the written report. Grading will be competitive. That is, your reports will be graded relative to those turned in by your classmates. Proper spelling, syntax, grammar, punctuation, bibliography, citations, footnotes, and professional appearance are expected. Your grade may be lowered as much as two full letter grades if these areas are lacking. Reviewing papers: I am willing to discuss the logical reasoning and proposed content of your reports. Before visiting my office emailing or calling me, you should have made significant progress and should be well prepared.
Plagiarism: Please don’t do it. Plagiarism includes taking exhibits or ideas from books or websites without giving credit to appropriate sources.
Project: I would like to preserve your ability to be creative with this project, so you may pursue any “subtopics” and take your research paper in a variety of different directions, but please write about the topics assigned (see the Assignment page). You will find that the database resources through the GWU Library provide great help when researching and acquiring full-text journal articles. If you have difficulty, contact the GWU Library and ask for Assistance.
The research paper should be constructed in Word. The paper should be 10 (double-spaced) pages long, excluding pages associated with title pages or bibliography. In other words the body of the paper should be no less than 10 pages (1 inch margins – 12 pt. font – Times New Roman or Arial) in length. The paper should be documented using an APA (in-text parenthetical) documentation style, with the following additional requirements: no executive summary, abstract, or outline. A paperback reference for APA would be nice to have, although there are online sources of information about APA. I was put in a strange situation recently when a student told me that (although the documentation seemed to be flawed) their source came from a handout from a past class (which one?) or some particular online source (where?). So, let me say that the best source of information for documentation guidelines is:
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition, ISBN# 1-55798-791-2
OR – For FREE (!!) at:
For in-text or bibliographical APA formats also see…
Please use one of the resources above for additional information about the APA Documentation style.
The paper should be substantially based on at least three articles from professional journals (five would be better) or other reputable sources. You can also use other professional journals, such as the Journal of Economics or Marketing, the Journal of Entrepreneurial Management, the Journal of Management Information Systems, or the Journal of Information Systems. Either one, two, or three of your journal articles could come from professional journals in other disciplines such as these. The three principal journal articles referenced in the paper should be copied and turned in with the paper. In addition, feel free to include other research sources. You should have a minimum of five sources in total, but you may include as many as you wish. The objective of the paper, apart from the obvious coverage of the topic area, should be to INTEGRATE the information provided in the research sources. You should not go through a page and a half or two pages continuously citing the same source. In most classes, the assigned paper is longer. I would rather sacrifice some length and emphasize a good SYNTHESIS of the sources into a well-written, coherent document. There is a writing lab at the GWU main campus which offers extremely valuable advice. It is well staffed and well run. I would think that anyone would benefit from the services they provide.
Please include the following statement on the title page – “This paper has been specifically prepared for this class. It has not been submitted for credit in a previous class and will not be submitted for credit in any future class, either in whole or in part.” Your signature should follow the statement. Remember that if the words of the author are used exactly, quote and include a parenthetical reference. If the words of the author are paraphrased, do not quote but include a parenthetical reference. Send the paper as a WORD file attached to an email within the class drop box – “Term Paper.” Spelling and punctuation are PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT. If you have one or two spelling or grammar errors, I’ll chalk it up to being human – no problem. If you have 5 or more spelling or grammar errors, your grade will suffer one or more (probably more) letter grade deductions. By the time you get to graduate school, you should have several other people (pick them carefully!) proofread your paper before you hand it in . If you are concerned about the propriety of your topic, please feel free to e-mail me or call me. Research Using Library Resources:
Reference Help: 704.406.3925 or toll free 1.800.253.8330
The Dover Library has updated the Graduate School of Business Library Guide, located on the library home page. This guide will walk students step by step through the library’s services and resources. The guide includes various search strategies and instructions for several of the online databases. New additions to the guide include a RefWorks Citation Manager guide and a guide to APA Citations.
*** Be sure to USE this link!! ***
Very, very, very helpful information
Finding Books:
The Online Catalog has replaced the old card catalogs in most libraries. Online Catalogs allow users to located books, DVD’s, and E-books held within the library collection. Online Catalogs are not hard to use, but they require time to become familiar with the technology. Normally searches are done by:
Author’s Name
Finding Articles:
Another resource available is Dover Library’s collection of Online Databases, which can be used to locate articles and essays. Online Databases allow you to fine-tune your searching by
Allowing you to search multiple databases at once through Integrated Search
Searching for only Scholarly/Peer Reviewed Articles
Searching within a specific date range (i.e.: 2008-2012)
Using the Databases:
To access the Databases, go to the Library Homepage. Choose Integrated Search under the Find Resources tab.
Recommended Databases through Integrated Search: Business Source Premier, Academic Search Premier, Academic OneFile, Lexis Nexis, Masterfile, MorningStar, SAGE, and the Wall Street Journal.
**If you are accessing the Databases from off campus, you will be prompted to log on with your MyWebb username and password.**
Ready to Search: Using the Advanced Search Option
When searching in the databases, you have to be careful not to leave yourself open to overwhelming volumes of results. Using broad search terms such as “accounting” or “cash flows” might potentially return too many items that the usefulness of the search becomes compromised.
Tip: When using the Advanced Search option, try using a combination of keywords to narrow your search. Example: “earnings management AND partnerships”
If the article you need is not available in Full Text, there are two steps to follow:
STEP ONE: Click on the “Find this Journal” link. This will let you know if the library has the journal article available through another database. If it is, follow the correct links to your article.
STEP TWO: If the “Find this Journal” link indicates that the library does NOT own the journal title, click on the Interlibrary Loan link. Log into ILLiad and complete the ILL form. It usually takes between 5-10 days to receive an article through ILL.
STEP ONE: In the middle of the Library Homepage, click on Journal Title.
STEP TWO: Type in the title of the journal (i.e.: Journal of Economics)
STEP THREE: If the library has access to the journal, click on the link listed below the journal title.
STEP FOUR: Once the database with your selected journal appears on the screen, choose the “Search Within this Publication” feature. This allows you to search for articles in that journal. You may also choose to read all of the articles in a particular issue by clicking on the individual issue.

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