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Create a presentation (maximum of 20 slides with detailed speaker notes) for senior leadership in which four organizational leaders analyze the impact of a health care organization’s new safety and quality dashboard. Include an analysis of what the new metrics mean and how they will inform departmental activities for the next quarter.”Being in a position of leadership is the most important job of any health professional anywhere along the continuum of care” (Ledlow & Coppola, 2013, p. 3). Leaders and ultimately the boards of directors of health care organizations are accountable for the safety of those they serve.” National quality organizations and regulatory bodies … are growing in their emphasis on leadership accountabilities for safe, reliable care as well as excellence in the experience of care” (Youngberg, 2013, p. 39).With this emphasis on leadership accountability for the delivery of safe, high-quality health care services, health care leaders need to be able to drill down on what exactly safety and quality mean in the health care environment. Likewise, they also need to be able to design measures that help to ensure their organizations are able to deliver those kinds of outcomes. Read Measurement Perspectives [PDF] to examine key elements related to this issue.In this final course assessment, you will have a unique opportunity to examine a health care organization’s safety and quality dashboard from the perspective of four organizational leaders. You will explore each leader’s specific interests regarding patient safety and quality. In particular, you will have the opportunity to perform a more in-depth analysis of the dashboard, the type of analysis a quality director might perform to further the organization’s safety and quality objectives.ReferencesLedlow, G. R., & Coppola, M. N. (2013). Leadership for health professionals (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.Youngberg, B. J. (2013). Patient safety handbook (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:Competency 1: Analyze the quality and performance improvement activities within the health care organization. Recommend evidence-based actions to improve a selected measure on a health care organization’s safety and quality dashboard.
Competency 2: Explain the risk management function in the health care organization. Analyze areas of a safety and quality dashboard of concern to a risk manager.
Competency 3: Analyze the importance of patient safety in health care. Describe how a health care organization chooses the metrics to include in its safety and quality dashboard.
Analyze areas of a safety and quality dashboard of concern to a patient safety officer.
Competency 4: Apply leadership strategies to quality improvement in a health care organization. Assess senior leadership’s role in setting a health care organization’s strategic safety and quality objectives.
Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals. Create a clear, organized, persuasive, and generally error-free presentation on a leadership team’s assessment of an organization’s safety and quality dashboard that is reflective of professional communication in the health care field.
Provide citations and title and reference pages that conform to APA style and format.
PreparationTo help prepare for successfully completing this assessment:Download the Sample Presentation Guide [PPTX]. Use this as a starting point or guide as you develop your presentation.
InstructionsYour organization has just updated its safety and quality dashboard. Please review the Vila Health Mercy Hospital Safety and Quality Dashboard [PDF]. Note: You do not need to create a dashboard for this assessment. You are simply being asked to work with the one provided.The CEO has asked each of the organizational leaders below to prepare a joint PowerPoint presentation. In it, they are to prepare a set of slides outlining their analysis of how the new numbers will inform their particular activities for the next quarter. The organizational leaders include:The quality director.
The patient safety officer.
The risk manager.
Senior leadership.
Because of the quality director’s critical role in implementing the organization’s safety and quality strategic objectives, this individual will open the presentation and provide additional background about how the new dashboard was developed. This individual will also close the presentation. Use the following outline to organize your presentation. Be sure to include the introduction and conclusion and address all the questions listed under these headings. Also be sure to address each role and the corresponding questions.Introduction (3–4 slides)What is a safety and quality dashboard?
What role do safety and quality dashboards play in helping health care organizations drive their strategic safety and quality objectives?
How do health care organization determine what they want to measure? Be sure to consider: Pressures from regulators, payors, and the industry.
Self-identified improvement areas. For example, one organization’s safety and quality dashboard may highlight patient falls because its rate of falls is higher than the national average. This may also have resulted in increased costs to the organization.
What CQI tools did the organization use to obtain, measure, and report data?
What was the quality improvement team’s role in addressing the reported measures?
Quality Director (2–3 slides)Which metric on the dashboard would draw the quality director’s attention the most?
What does this dashboard metric mean and why is it important?
What three recommendations to leadership would help to address this metric?
What (if any) quality models could be used to increase the quality of patient care and outcomes for this metric? Consider PDCA, Six Sigma, Lean, Hoshin Kanri planning, et cetera.
Patient Safety Officer (2–3 slides)Which metric on the dashboard would draw the patient safety officer’s attention the most?
What does this dashboard metric mean and why is it important?
What role does the patient safety officer play in improving this metric?
Risk Manager (2–3 slides)Which metric on the dashboard would draw the risk manager’s attention the most?
What does this dashboard metric mean and why is it important?
What role does the risk manager play in improving this metric?
Senior Leader (1 slide)What is the role of senior leadership (for example, CEO, COO, president, senior VP) in driving safety and quality improvement initiatives?
What next steps might senior leadership take given the dashboard findings and the quality director’s three improvement recommendations?
Conclusion (2–3 slides)Which regulatory agency(ies) may be concerned about the findings in this dashboard?
Why would regulators be concerned about these findings?
Why are safety and quality dashboards important for monitoring key metrics in health care organizations?
Your slides need to be concise and offer main ideas in bulleted format. Use the speaker notes to expand upon your findings as if they were the transcript of your presentation for the leadership team.In the health care environment, it is unlikely for a presentation and speaker notes to be in APA style. Do make sure they are concise, organized, clear, and free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Do make sure they address all the required headings and all of the questions under each heading.Your senior leaders will want to know the sources of your information. Be sure to cite your sources in APA style in your speaker notes.Additional RequirementsPresentation length: Your presentation should be a maximum of 20 slides, including title and reference slides. Format your title and reference slides according to APA format.
Speaker notes: Be sure to include these with your slides. They provide an opportunity for you to expand on the information you are highlighting in your slides.
Number of references: Cite a minimum of two references.
Scoring Guide: Please read the scoring guide for this assessment so you understand how your faculty member is going to evaluate your work
. Measurement Perspectives”As CQI philosophies and processes have evolved within health care, a series of broad-based approaches have evolved and proven to be successful across a range of health care settings” (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013, p. 36). In 1988, the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) defined quality of care as “the degree to which the process of care increases the probability of outcomes desired by the patient, and reduces the probability of undesired outcomes, given the state of medical knowledge” (OTA, 1988). To measure outcome improvement, organizations identify and select measures.Focusing on high-risk, high-volume, problem-prone areas is one way to maximize returns on organizational investment in performance improvement. These improvements generally focus on positively affecting large groups of patients, eliminating or reducing variability in processes, reducing risk, and avoiding serious problems within the organization (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013). Once the health care organization selects the indicators it wants to measure, such as proper hand washing, hospital acquired infection rates, readmissions, et cetera, it then collects data to measure the indicator and compare the organization’s current performance to the desired performance level.Critical elements when selecting a performance measure include:Relevance – Does the measure relate to the organization’s improvement goals?
Reliability – Does the measure accurately and consistently measure what it was intended to?
Validity – Does the measure identify opportunities for improvement?Tied with outcome measures are CQI methods and tools used for decision making, variation measuring, and process improvement. Walter Shewhart was the first to introduce the plan-do- check-act cycle. Later this was modified into the plan-do-study-act, or PDSA cycle. Health care organizations use this cycle to facilitate rapid change, putting improvement in the hands of those most directly responsible for the outcomes and processes in need of improvement: front line staff and managers. Lean and Six Sigma, two additional tools used by quality professionals, focus on reducing waste and eliminating defects. This in turn results in added value for the customer.ReferencesOffice of Technology Assessment. (1988). The quality of medical care: Information for consumers (OTA-H 386). Retrieved from, W. A., & Johnson, J. K. (2013). Mclaughlin and Kaluzny’s continuous quality improvement in health care (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
1Vila Health: Mercy Hospital Safety and Quality Dashboard LegendPhysical TherapyM = Meets target
C = Close to target
D = Does not meet target
Measure PurposeMetricTargetJanFebMarch91% C79.5% D96% C 100% M100% M100% MOperational QualityEndoscopySatisfactionEarly Intervention. PT response to consult within 24 hours. 100%Percentage (%) of patients that meet 75% of their goals upon 100% discharge.Patient satisfaction with Endoscopy wait time (95% or greater 95% rated good/excellent). Measure PurposeMetricTargetJanFebMarch95% M92% C88% DInfection ControlQuality CAUTI Rate. <1.1 Safety % of clinicians who wash hands and use sanitizer appropriately. 98%MeasureMetricTargetJan96%FebMarchPurpose0.94%1.6%0%MCM 88%93% CDC SCORING GUIDEAnalyze and Apply Dashboard Data Scoring Guide CRITERIA NON-PERFORMANCE BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Recommend evidence-based actions to improve a selected measure on a health care organization's safety and quality dashboard.Does not recommend evidence-based actions to improve a selected measure on a health care organization's safety and quality dashboard.Attempts to recommend evidence-based actions to improve a selected measure on a health care organization's safety and quality dashboard; however, recommendations are not always evidence-based and/or appropriate. Omissions and/or errors exist.Recommends evidence-based actions to improve a selected measure on a health care organization’s safety and quality dashboard.Recommends multiple evidence-based actions to improve a selected measure on a health care organization’s safety and quality dashboard. Includes multiple examples, specifics, and references to the professional literature. Analyze areas of a safety and quality dashboard of concern to a risk manager. Does not analyze areas of a safety and quality dashboard of concern to a risk manager. Attempts to analyze areas of a safety and quality dashboard of concern to a risk manager; however, omissions and/or errors exist.Analyzes areas of a safety and quality dashboard of concern to a risk manager. Analyzes areas of a safety and quality dashboard of concern to a risk manager. Analysis includes multiple examples, specifics, and references to the professional literature. Describe how a health care organization chooses the metrics to include in its safety and quality dashboard. Does not describe how a health care organization chooses the metrics to include in its safety and quality dashboard. Attempts to describe how a health care organization chooses the metrics to include in its safety and quality dashboard; however, omissions and/or errors exist.Describes how a health care organization chooses the metrics to include in its safety and quality dashboard. Analyzes how a health care organization chooses the metrics to include in its safety and quality dashboard. Analysis includes multiple examples, specifics, and references to the professional literature. Analyze areas of a safety and quality dashboard of concern to a patient safety officer. Does not analyze areas of a safety and quality dashboard of concern to a patient safety officer. Attempts to analyze areas of a safety and quality dashboard of concern to a patient safety officer; however, omissions and/or errors exist.Analyzes areas of a safety and quality dashboard of concern to a patient safety officer. Analyzes areas of a safety and quality dashboard of concern to a patient safety officer. Analysis includes multiple examples, specifics, and references to the professional literature. Assess senior leadership's role in setting a health care organization's strategic safety and quality objectives. Does not assess senior leadership’s role in setting a health care organization’s strategic safety and quality objectives. Attempts to assess senior leadership’s role in setting a health care organization’s strategic safety and quality objectives; however, omissions and/or errors exist. Assesses senior leadership’s role in setting a health care organization’s strategic safety and quality objectives. Assesses senior leadership’s role in setting a health care organization’s strategic safety and quality objectives. Assessment includes multiple examples, specifics, and references to the professional literature. Create a clear, organized, persuasive, and generally error-free presentation on a leadership team's assessment of an organization's safety and quality dashboard that is reflective of professional communication in the health care field.Does not create a clear, organized, persuasive, and generally error-free presentation on a leadership team's assessment of an organization's safety and quality dashboard that is reflective of professional communication in the health are field. Attempts to create a clear, organized, persuasive, and generally error-free presentation on a leadership team's assessment of an organization's safety and quality dashboard that is reflective of professional communication in the health care field; however, significant lapses, omissions, and/or errors exist.Creates a clear, organized, persuasive, and generally error-free presentation on a leadership team's assessment of an organization's safety and quality dashboard that is reflective of professional communication in the health care field.Creates a clear, organized, persuasive, and error-free presentation on a leadership team's assessment of an organization's safety and quality dashboard that is reflective of professional communication in the health care field. Presentation includes multiple relevant examples, specifics, and references to the professional literature. Provide citations and title and reference pages that conform to APA style and format.Does not provide citations and title and reference pages that conform to APA style and format. Attempts to provide citations and title and reference pages that conform to APA style and format; however, omissions and/ errors exist. Provides citations and title and reference pages that conform to APA style and format.Provides citations and title and reference pages that conform to APA style and format, without errors. Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.VIEW SCORING GUIDE

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