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The inheritance of black coat colour vs. grey coat colour was studied in a particular population of cats.Many crosses between different pairs of black cats consistently produced all black offspring. Can we conclude from these results that grey is recessive?
Several crosses between pairs of black and grey cats resulted in both F1 black and grey offspring. Can the mode of inheritance be determined from this data? Explain your answer.
Crosses between the F1 black cats (which were progeny of crosses between black and grey parents) occasionally produced a grey kitten. Can the mode of inheritance be determined from this data? Give reasoning for your answer.
Two crosses were performed with rabbit strains that differ in hair colour (black or brown) as well as hair texture (straight or frizzy). In both crosses, the same phenotypes were observed. What hair colour and what hair texture is dominant?
What are the genotypes of the parents in both crosses?
Assume each set of parents produced a total of 160 offspring over their lifetimes. How many of each type would be expected? Use a branch diagram to determine your answer.
Assume that capital letter alleles are dominant to lowercase letter alleles. From the following cross:PARENT 1 × PARENT 2 EeffGgHh EeFfGgHhWhat fraction of the progeny will be eeF_G_hh?
What faction of the progeny will be identical to Parent 2 in Phenotype?
What faction of the progeny will be unlike wither parents in Phenotype?
What fraction of the progeny will be EEFFGgHh?
What fraction of the progeny will be EeFfgghh?
What fraction of the progeny will be unlike either parent in Genotype?
In garden peas, tall plants (T) are dominant over short (t), round seeds (R) are dominant over wrinkled (r), yellow seeds (Y) are dominant over green (y) and purple flowers (A) are dominant over white (a). Consider a cross between the following pea plants:Plant 1 = TtRryyAa × Plant 2 = ttRrYYAaWhat proportion of the offspring will:Have the genotype ttrrYyaa?
Have the phenotype wrinkled, yellow, white, and short?
Be dominant for all 4 traits?
Be pure breeding for seed shape?
Be pure breeding for round seeds AND purple flowers?
Be pure breeding for all 4 traits?
What proportion of the round, yellow, white, tall progeny will have the genotype TtRrYyaa?
The haploid amount of DNA in humans is 1.91 × 1012 daltons (D). How much DNA in daltons would be found in a female cell in the following:During G1?
After the S phase?
After mitotic telophase and cytokinesis?
After telophase and cytokinesis of meiosis I?
After telophase and cytokinesis of meiosis II during oogenesis?
Draw the alignment of two pairs of chromosomes labelled F, F’ for the 1st pair and G, G’ for the 2nd pair at mitotic anaphase, meiotic anaphase I, and meiotic anaphase II.
For a plant, purple flowers (P) are dominant over white flowers (p). An initial cross was made between a plant that was homozygous for purple flowers and another plant homozygous for white flowers. The F1 progeny all possessed purple flowers, and these were self- pollinated to generate the F2 offspring. Pollen from all the resulting F2 plants was gathered and used to fertilize true-breeding white flowered plants. What proportion of the progeny resulting from this cross should have white flowers?
Could the trait described in the pedigree below be caused by an autosomal dominant condition? Give reasons for your answer. If the trait described in the pedigree below is caused by an autosomal recessive condition, state III-1’s genotype. The pedigree below describes the segregation of a trait caused by an autosomal recessive condition. If individuals III-3 and III-4 have a child, what is the probability that the child will exemplify the trait in its phenotype?

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