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Choose one composition and write an essay (minimum two double-spaced pages) that addresses the following questions:
What style does the piece represent (e.g., Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionistic, Expressionistic, Neo-Classical, etc.)
What musical elements of the piece help to identify its style?
What instrument(s) do you hear?
What musical texture(s) do you hear?
Does the piece change texture?
What dynamics do you hear?
Are there changes in the dynamics? If so, are these changes sudden or gradual?
What is the tempo?
Are there changes in the tempo? If so, are these changes sudden or gradual?
If you choose a vocal piece, does the music support the song’s text? If so, in what ways? (Be specific – give examples.)
Your musical selection should not be one that is discussed in depth in the reading material. You are free to choose something that is not covered at all in the reading material, provided that it represents one of the musical genres covered in this course. Any questions, let me know!

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