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Intervene, Advocate, Offer
Imagining futures better and beyond what we currently have is an important feature of Feminist and Queer theory. To that end, for your final project, you should identify an issue that relates to gender, sexuality, gender identity, etc., that could be improved for the better. Within that topic/issue, choose a particular situation or instance, and suggest a way to ameliorate inequality or oppression in some way. This could be at a policy level (governmental, organizational, or otherwise), a material level (is there something that would improve the lives of those involved?), a social level (are we changing minds or behaviors), or in some other way.
Your task: Intervene or Advocate Identify a particular issue, person, place, or problem related to gender or sexuality that needs more awareness or attention. What is it? How does it relate to WGS generally and your topic specifically? Who does it impact, and how?
Then, identify a situation or specific instance and propose a campaign or an intervention to bring more attention to the cause, or offer a solution that would improve the lives of those affected. In a separate, 500-word statement explain the following: What is your project? How would it help, educate, or raise awareness? What would it look like? (Do you have an example or mock-up? If you are suggesting a video, do you have a teaser or a storyboard to help explain what your finished product would look like?) How would you make it happen (duration, funding, location, staff, maintenance, etc.)? You may assume either realistic resources or unlimited resources for your project.
Here is an example that I encountered in a bus stop in Brooklyn.
Background Reading/Research
Do a bit of research on your topic, and assemble a reading list/bibliography of at least 5 articles from newspapers and magazines (think NYTimes, The Nation, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, New York Magazine, etc.) that address your issue/topic. You may also use academic journals, books, or more conventional scholarly resources, if you like. Although this is not a research project, I want you to be informed about your topic and its contexts.
Helpful Questions to Consider
When thinking about your final project, consider the following questions:
What is your issue/topic? What oppressive or unequal conditions does it produce?
Who is impacted?
How could it be addressed? What sort of intervention(s) might be needed?
What would make it effective? What would make the change permanent asopposed to a one-time thing?In your written statement, explain your suggestion/intervention/offering:
What is your suggestion, offering, or intervention? What would be necessary for itto be put into practice?
Who is your target audience? Are you addressing the people directly impacted?Or those who are perpetuating the situation?
What do you hope to achieve? Are you raising awareness, changing minds orchanging behavior?
Why did you choose the particular form/format for your suggestion/intervention?How would it work? What makes it effective to do what you would like it to do?
How/why did you design it be effective to provide relief to those impacted by yourissue?
Why will it work? Will it always be necessary, or will it one day no longer beneeded?^^These are question to consider; they are guidelines and suggested questions to answer. You do not need to answer all of them (unless you want to).Final Project SubmissionYou should submit your intervention/offering/suggestion and your statement together on the Forum.Evaluation CriteriaIn your project, I will looking for:
Engagement with topics discussed and/or adjacent to this class, including sex,gender, sexuality, gender identity, etc.
Sustained thoughtfulness and effort in the project’s execution and explanation
Consideration of cause and effect in unequal power relations

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