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tify the variables in the following hypotheses and indicate the best method for analysis:
Mice solve the cheese maze quicker than rats.
Independent Variable: 
Type of Variable: continuous or categorical  and type of scale : ratio, interval, nominal, ordinal . 
Dependent Variable: 
Type of Variable: continuous or categorical  and type of scale: ratio, interval, nominal, ordinal . 
Best Type of Analysis: 
14 points   

Identify the variables in the following hypotheses and indicate the best method for analysis:
Stress levels (as measured on a scale from -10 to +10) significantly vary among pet owners based on type of pet: cats, dogs, rabbits, birds.
Independent Variable: 
Type of Variable: continuous or categorical  and type of scale : ratio, interval, nominal, ordinal  . 
Dependent Variable: 
Type of Variable: continuous or categorical  and type of scale: ratio, interval, nominal, ordinal . 
Best Type of Analysis: 
14 points   

For the remaining items, identify the following research excerpts as Quantitative or Qualitative research. Then, identify the type of research that best fits the example. Write in the letter corresponding to the research designs that best describe the excerpt from the following list: 
a. Archival
b. Case History
c. Content Analysis
d. Cross-Sectional
e. Ethnography
f. Factorial Between Subjects Experiment
g. Longitudinal
h. Meta-analysis
i. Naturalistic Observation
j. Pre-post Test
k. Survey
l. Two x Two
m. Within Subjects Longitudinal ExperimentOK! Click here – Continue
0 points   
The study followed 100 females from 5 years to the age of 25 with annual assessments of cognitive and physical growth as well as environmental stress levels.
Quantitative or Qualitative: 
Type of Design: 
6 points   
The female, who appears to be about 8 years old, approached a male on the playground who appears smaller than the female and approximately 6 years old and stated “ Go away” while she pushed him. The male looked around and after spotting an adult female, started to cry and ran to the adult.  The female seemed undisturbed by the crying and continued playing on the climbing equipment.
Quantitative or Qualitative:
Type of Design: 
6 points   
A group of students were administered a test at the beginning of their studies on research methods and again a year later, at the end of their research method coursework.
Quantitative or Qualitative:
Type of Design: 
6 points   

Patient Jones presented with unique symptoms after his stroke.  He appeared to have increased use of his extrasensory perception (ESP). This was first noticed by his hospital caregivers and family members.  Given this noticeable ability to “mind read”, we decided to investigate this ability further to determine if this is indeed an increase in ESP or increase in perception and prediction abilities.
Quantitative or Qualitative:
Type of Design: 
6 points   
The residential treatment records and one-year follow-up assessments of 500 adolescents diagnosed with anorexic bulimic behavior were analyzed to determine the effects of residential treatment on adolescents diagnosed with anorexic bulimia and specifically evaluate the course of self-harm behaviors during treatment and the time spent in the residential facility with the success at their one-year follow-up.   Records span the course of 5 years and 10 residential programs.
Quantitative or Qualitative:
Type of Design: 
6 points   
This study was administered online to a group of mothers of children in grades 1-5. Items were presented on a Likert scale or with drop-down selections including a measure of stress levels in their children, parent expectations of elementary school education, hours spent completing homework, extracurricular activity participation, hours spent at home, and home activity breakdown.
Quantitative or Qualitative:
Type of Design: 
6 points   
Twenty-five studies concerning television viewing and attention in children were identified using the PsychInfo database. All identified articles were included in this study in the statistical examination of the impact of television viewing on attention.
Quantitative or Qualitative:
Type of Design: 
6 points   
This study compared females between the ages of 5-6, 12-13, 18-19, and 24-25 on the relationship between cognitive and physical growth as well as environmental stress levels.  
Quantitative or Qualitative:
Type of Design: 
6 points   
Participants were divided into one of two groups using a random assignment. Participants in the control group completed an assessment on reading comprehension including their Gender, age, and education level. The remaining participants received training on reading comprehension before completing the same assessment materials. 
Quantitative or Qualitative:
Type of Design: 
6 points   
I joined the fraternity to learn about the social demands during hazing practices. I realized throughout that time that the stress levels- as seen by stress behaviors such as an increase in short tempers, increase in drinking, decrease in sleep, increased anxiety, and many others- increased exponentially among not only those being hazed but also those who were hazing. There seemed to be an expectation that hazing needed to be high stakes and push the limits within the school policies.
Quantitative or Qualitative:
Type of Design: 
6 points   
Fifty adult males and females participated in a study on the impact of different types of exercise on self-esteem levels.  All participants completed 5 different types of moderate level exercise daily for a week.  The order of the exercise regimen was counterbalanced and at the start of the program and at the end of each week of the program, participants completed a self-esteem scale.
Quantitative or Qualitative:
Type of Design: 
6 points   
A random sample of publically accessible mental health-related blogs (N = 50) found through a Google search, were statistically analyzed for diagnoses, self-harm and deprecation, personal life information, reference to family and friends, and frequency of postings.
Quantitative or Qualitative:
Type of Design: 
6 points   

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