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After you read the poem in its entirety, you should complete the following discussion:
When organizing your answer to the prompt, you can simply number the response like the questions are numbered. Please write using grammatical correctness in your well thought out answers. You are getting a grade for the content of your response; therefore, it should be thorough and contain evidence you have read the poem.
1. List three specific examples from the epic poem of how Beowulf is a true hero. You must give specific examples from the work. (10 points)
2. How do you see Grendel’s mother? Is she justified in desiring revenge for her son’s death? In our society, is this revenge acceptable/justifiable? Why or why not? (5 points)
3. Beowulf took on the dragon even though he knew he might not survive. As the reader, how does the ending make you feel about the main character? Is he still a hero or did he let self-pride get in his way? Did he have to take on the dragon to leave a legacy? Do we still have legacies in our world today? Explain your reasoning for this response. (10 points)
I know the video is long, but PLEASE watch it. It also brings up connections with last week’s poem “The Dream of the Rood.” There is a question on the end of the module test that asks why the Christian influences are most likely in the poem Beowulf.
Youtube video: Beowulf How A Legendary Poem Offers A Portal To Our Ancient Past | Literary Classics. 29 mins 27 seconds long. Notes:
Beowulf is the oldest of the great long poems written in English. It is
classified as an epic poem. This means it has a larger than life hero
and the conflict is of universal importance. There is a certain
seriousness that accompanies most epics.
• Like most old English poems, the title has been assigned by modern
editors, for the manuscriipts do not normally give any indication of
title or authorship. (AKA- we do not know who wrote this poem.)
• The original poem was written in Old English. This is very hard to
understand, so we will read the poem in the modern translation.
• Many of the characters in the poem are replicated in modern day
literature, cartoons, movies, etc.
• Christian influences are heavy in the poem. This was odd because of
the Pagan society of the time. (The video talks about how it is possible
for these Christian influences to be scattered throughout the poem.
See if you can find this reference in the video I have provided in
• Remember, this poem originated in oral form. Things were not
written down until after the Norman Invasion. The poem originated in
the Anglo-Saxon period of literature (Remember your initial notes on
the time periods of the Middle Ages?).
• The character names are pronounced a little differently than what we
are used to. Refer to the character list and pronunciation of the names
in the document I have in Canvas.
• Anglo Saxons valued particular traits: courage, bravery, strength,
loyalty, and obedience to one’s lord, generosity, willingness to engage
in battle, and the quest for fame. Be sure to pick out times where
you, as the reader, notice the main character exhibiting these
particular traits.
• There are several themes in Beowulf: be sure to note those as you
read. (IF you are unfamiliar with conventional literary themes,
look up some on a credible website BEFORE you read the poem.)
At the end of the reading, you will have to refer to the themes you find
and use examples from the text to back up what you claim as themes.
Therefore, if you do this along the way, it will be much easier to work
with at the end of the reading.
NO PLAGRISIM i need a good grade been sick er.

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