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Qualitative Data Analysis Software (QDAS) Assignment Tutorial
– Mac Computer
Download a free version of software located in the Assignment Resources.
Download the 5 text files from the – the link location is shown here
Download them to a location you can easily access.
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File names shown below
Once you have downloaded the files to an accessible location you are ready to proceed.
You Tube Videos are provided as an adjunct to the written instructions – they are not required
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View the YouTube video for Creating Project and Adding Documents if you have difficulties
with written instructions below.
Open Atlas software
Click New Project
Project name should be Atlas – your first name and last name Example: Atlas-John Smith
Click Create

Next, we want to add the documents to be analyzed.
Click Add Documents Click Add Files
Browse to the location of the files you downloaded.
There will be five files –
each one containing the text from a chapter from the Book of 1
Thessalonians from the New Testament.
Once the files have been uploaded Click the symbol next to Documents to see the list of imported
Double-Click on any of the listed documents to view the entire text of the document.
Save project
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Next, we will want to code some of the data.
View the YouTube video for Coding Data in Assignment Resources if you have
difficulties with written instructions.
The first code to create is named Second Coming.
The easiest way to do that is to highlight any passage in any of the documents that refer to the
second coming. In fact – the second coming of Jesusis mentioned in each chapter.
Double-Click on Chapter 1 and highlight verse 10 . Right click and Select Apply Codes
Type “Second Coming” (without quotation marks) press Enter
Next click on Chapter 2 highlight verse 19 Right-Click then Select – Apply Codes
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Click All Codes
Select-Second Coming
Next click on Chapter 3 highlight verse 13 right-Click Apply Codes
Second Coming
Repeat that procedure for verse 16 of Chapter 4. Repeat for verse 23 of Chapter 5
Next double-Click on the Second Coming code and expand the window and you will have a list
of the verses in the Book of Thessalonians that mentioned the Second Coming of Christ.
You may then close that window
Save project
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Now suppose we wish to explore the construct of
View the YouTube video in Assignment Resources for Coding Data with Text Search if you have
difficulties with written instructions.
Click Code from the top MenuClick Search and Code
Double-Click Text Search
Click Select All to select all documents. Maximize the window
Click Continue
Type in the word Faith Search within
Let’s look for some synonyms
Click confidence, trust, anticipation, expectation, hope, and belief
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Click Show Results
This will give you a list of the verses that pertain to Faith
Apply a code to these verses by Clicking Apply Codes
Type in Faith and Click the plus symbol
You can now close or minimize this window
To see the list of verses again you can double-Click on the Faith code
Save project
Next search the 5 Chapters for the word Jesus,
Regrettably the software does not provide synonyms for Jesus.
However one can get around that issue as follows:
Click Search and Code
Text Search Type in
Click Add clicking OR
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Type in Christ and choose the synonyms Lord and Messiah
Click Sentences in the Find that contain box . Click Show Results
Click Apply Codes and give the code the name Christ
You can then Click on the Christ code to see therelevant verses
Let’s create one more code pertaining to how personal Paul makes his writings.
Click Text Search
Click the 5 Chapter documents. Click Continue
Choose Find Sentences, Type in brothers
Click OR
Type in sisters
Click Show Results
Click Apply Codes and type in Personal
Click the plus symbol
The list of Codes in the left Atlas panel should look something like this:

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Next, we want to create a document group that combines all 5 chapters.
To do that right-Click on Document Groups Click New Group and create a document
group named Combined
Next you can highlight each chapter document and drag it down to the group you created
named Combined.
Verify that you have all 5 chapters in the Combined group.
Save project

Next, we want to create a memo that will contain the current date time stamp and your name
which will allow verification of your work on this assignment.
View the YouTube video on Memos in Assignment Resources if you have difficulties with written
Click on Memo
Click New Memo enter Verification as the name ofthe memo
Click insert date and time then press Cmd and D. The current date and time will appear.
Then type your first and last name – the Memo should look something like:
Click the X to close but be sure to save the memo

Next create a code which has the name of the datetime verification you just created.
Right click on the Verification Memo under Memos on the left of the screen
Click – Convert to document
Highlight the date/time/name text in the document panel
Right click and select Code In Vivo
You should now see a Code in the code list that is the date/time/stamp and your name.
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Now that we have created codes and have a document repository, we are ready to perform
a few analyses.
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First, create what are referred to as Word Clouds.
View the YouTube video in Assignment Resources on Word Clouds if you have difficulties with the
written instructions.
Double-Click on the Chapter 1 file Right click
Select Word Cloud
Click Exclude words from stop list Select English
You will want to filter the less frequently occurring words. To do that move Minimum count
slider until the number 3 appears in the box to the right. The example below shows the
resulting display (minus the word “Example”)
Click the symbol at the top to export the image to a location from which you will be
able to upload into canvas. Name the exported file Thes01.
Next right click the Chapter 2 file
Click Word Cloud. Adjust the threshold slider to 3.The example below shows the resulting
display (minus the word “Example”)
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Export the file and name it Thes02. Next right-click the Chapter
3 file
Click Word Cloud. Adjust the threshold slider to 3.
The example below shows the resulting display (minus the word “Example”)
Click Word Cloud. Adjust the threshold slider to 3.
The example below shows the resulting display (minus the word “Example”)
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Export the file and name it Thes04.
Next right-click the Chapter 5 file
Click Word Cloud. Adjust the threshold slider to 3.
The example below shows the resulting display (minus the word “Example”)
Next highlight all of the files.
Right-Click all of the Chapter files
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Click Word Cloud.
Adjust the threshold slider to 9.
Note the frequently occurring words for the entire
book of Thessalonians.
The example below shows the resulting display (minus the word “Example”)
Export the file and name it ThesAll.
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Now to create a Word List.
Under Document Groups Click on Combined
Click Word List – Word list should appear, Double-Click column header Count in
order to sort
Notice the most frequently occurring words for thebook of Thessalonians.
Export the list to excel.
The file should open automatically. If not – open it from where you saved it. It should look
something like this:
Save the spreadsheet for upload into canvas. The name of the spreadsheet should be
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The next analysis will be to determine which coded Bible verses intersect with one another.
In order to do that Click the Analysis tab and select Code Co-occurrence Table
Click Christ in the upper panel at the left of thescreen. This will be the column code
In the lower panel select Faith, Personal, and Second Coming
Then you can Click the various cells to isolate the relevant verses.
Click Export Excel and save the file and name it Intersect. The spreadsheet should like
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The last procedure will be to create a visual
Right click Codes in the left panel Select Open Manager
Click on Christ, Faith, and Second Coming, and click the code that is the Date-Time stamp –
Yourname code.
Right Click
Select Open in Network –
If your network looks like this:
Click on Christ and a small circle will appear:
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Grab the little circle and draw an arrow to the Second Coming box and select “is cause of”
asthe relationship.
Repeat for the Faith box and select “is a part of” as the relationship.
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The final product should appear as below.
Different colors are okay, and you will of course have your individual date-time stamp
and name.
Create as “Second Coming”Export as a bitmap

Once you have completed all the above steps Be sure to upload the various files you

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