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This must be 1500 to 1800 words. Please use at least 6 scholarly references and apa citations. Here is a sample: “In many ways’ history is repeating itself. China is seeking to reclaim its historical Global Leadership position. In addition, several activities over the past 10-15 years have been repeating the early part of the 20th Century. Geo-Politics, Geo-Economics, and Resource Demand have driven these issues. Prior to the 19th Century, China was a dominant Country on the world stage. The Colonial Powers invaded and divided China for two centuries. Compounding China’s need to re-establish its past leadership role there are 1920 fascist resource grabs taking place (aka Nazi’s Lebensraum). China and Russia have been spearheading those land expansions. Russia’s actions have been very direct with Georgia and Ukraine’s Crimea. In addition, there is potential for Russia annex of Belarus. The China actions have been direct and indirect. The China direct actions have included the man-made Islands in the China Sea and declaring waters near the Philippines as their territory. The China indirect actions have been based on their One Belt One Road Initiative (Cumpanasu, 2019). Others could argue that Iran’s actions in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen are similar in nature by setting up satellite countries (indirect colonies). Lastly, advanced technology is another resource frontier, which is driving the race between Countries like the 1920s-1940s race for the Atomic Bomb. Related to Resource Demand on the Business Side, this is a global impacting item that impacts large industrialized nations and large corporations. There is a need for low cost human resources to optimize profits while other countries view these outsourcing activities as investments and opportunities to raise the GDP and quality of life for their citizens. Related to Resource Demand on the Natural Resources Side, water is becoming a scarce resource (Zhao, et al., 2019; Qu, 2018). Nestle holds a majority of the water bottling businesses globally (Jaffee & Case, 2018). China’s activities in the South China Sea and fishing rights is another example. The China investment in African Countries with the One Belt One Road Initiative is viewed to obtain African natural resources at a low-cost point (Farooq, et al., 2019). In addition, China uses the One Belt One Road Initiative for Arms sales. The China expansion for natural resource growth is similar to the Japanese Imperial expansion from 1920s to 1940s with the invasion of Formosa (now Taiwan), Korea, China, and all Southeast Asia except now instead of a conquering Army it is loans from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (Yu, 2017). Related to the Resource Demand on the Land for People Side, Russia’s actions in Georgia and Ukraine’s Crimea followed the Nazi Germany’s expansion reason into Austria and Czechoslovakia by having Russian speaking people (Nazi Germany was German speaking people). The China indirect approach is to send hundreds of thousand young men into the different Countries (i.e. African nations) the infrastructure investments are done for One Belt One Road Initiative with no intention that those people will return to China (Farooq, et al., 2019; Yilmaz & Changming, 2018; ). In addition, outer space will become the future land expansion (De Zwart & Stephens, 2019). Related to Resource Demand on the Advanced Technology Side, the race for 5G; Quantum Computing; Space Program (De Zwart & Stephens, 2019); Advanced Military Laser Weapons; Advanced Military Fighters; etc. has already started between the leading Global Nations. Related to Resource Demand that is not well understood would be the Gold Reserve and Global Reserve Currency, these are hidden global financial controls that has been dominated by the USA since after World War 2. Majority of all Countries Gold Reserve is kept at the USA Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The balance of trade is done via moving Gold within the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Some other Countries maintain their gold reserve at USA Mint at Fort Knox. This is an area that China wants to gain the controlling position. Other Countries look to create an alternative with cryptocurrency which has not established a strong foundation yet. Macro-Cultural Issues The Globalization activities has created Macro-Cultural issues related to Populism; Nationalism and Far Right Movements; and Disregard for Religious Concentration Camps. Populism has become extremely strong in the United States of America, United Kingdom, and Brazil (O’Byrne, 2019). In many ways, these Countries are operating in an Anti-Globalization approach. The USA does not want to be the World’s Policeman anymore and has started extracting itself out of military conflicts (Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, etc.). United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union (Brexit) which I believe will lead to other Countries leaving the EU. Brazil’s new President is modeled on the USA Populism approach of Donald Trump. Nationalism and Far Right Movements are growing in Countries such as Germany, Italy, Greece, and Hungary. The Germany activities are also fueled by the large refuge migration from the Middle East (primarily from Syria and Turkey) that is becoming deadly and creating a new foundation to recruiter Neo-Nazi members. The Italy Far Right movement has been gaining strength but does not control government yet while Italians being ruled by the EU (viewed as Franco-German rule) is a situation that will lead to Italy’s departure from the EU long term. Greece continues to grow Neo-Nazi political activities. Hungary has very strong nationalism and a closed its borders to restrict Syrian refugees’ entrance/passage is visible with fences which goes against the basis of the EU experiment. In the 1930s, Nazi Germany was a rising Economic and Political power and everyone looked the other way when Jewish concentration camps were set-up and millions of people were imprisoned and Hitler was named Time’s Man of the Year in 1938. In addition, during that time, Italy’s Fascist government under Benito Mussolini also eliminated political enemies and later with its German pact expanded to Jewish people removes to concentration camps. The Roman Catholic Church watched and supported those Fascist Countries as they were the first to acknowledge Vatican City as a former Country and provided billions in automatic payroll collections for the church. Over the last 10-20 years, China has become a rising Economic and Political power (Trindade d’Avila Magalhaes, 2018) and no one wants to deal with the Muslim concentration camps in China with over a million people. The Roman Catholic Church again is silent on the Muslim issue in China with its arrangement to allow to operate and expand in the Country. History repeats itself in this regard. Economic (i.e. iPhones) and Religious success will never allow a few million people in concentration camps to stand in their way. Similarly, the United States of America and many EU nations have outsourced business activities to the Philippines and look the other way with the political deaths undertaken by the current government. Lets not forget, Pope Francis when he was in charge of the Franciscan Brothers in Argentina while the Government killed tens of thousands of its young people who protested and he cut a deal to spare his order in return for staying quiet. Socio-Cultural Issues Globalization has created challenges for both National Identity (Tien-Hui, 2019), Ethnic Identity (Igosheva, et al., 2019) and Language within Countries. Related to National Identity, are you a European Union (EU) Citizen or an Italian Citizen. This answer is always the same: an Italian Citizen (using Italy as an example). The EU failed to create a perfect union similar to the United States of America and instead compromised to the point that it is a loose federation of Countries at best (another United Nations – great idea, poor execution, and no power). The Ethnic Identity is being challenged within regional area of many countries. In many cases, everyone is learning English as the language of Business, Technology and Aviation. Children learn English at young ages in Croatia while develop nations operate with English as their main language – example: The EU Bank has English as its former language yet the only remaining primary English-speaking country is Ireland and the United Kingdom never used the Euro when it was a member. Milan, Italy made English its second language with the World Fair of 2015. The cost of doing business globally has introduced a new challenge to maintaining Ethnic identities in many Countries. The Philippines is more American (Language and Stores) in Manila then most parts of the United States of America. Choice of Expat Country I would go to Brazil, it is the largest country in South America and will continue to develop in the future as the regional powerhouse. It has the size and resources to develop into a world power but still early in its development cycle to experience great expansion. I did think about African countries but they are at least 20-40 years behind Brazil so I will be too old before it would benefit me from going to those areas. Least Likely Country Iran, this country is more likely to experience a war then grow an economic in the next 5 years. The religious situation is far different than my religion (Roman Catholic) so that is not compatible. I expect CoronaVirus will have a major negative impact on the Country which is more reason to avoid this geographical area. In addition, if the Iranian nuclear program is not stopped then I expect Israel will bomb their facilities with USA military support. No need to be around a major Uranium discharge. Already Afghanistan and Iraq people are experiencing the negative effects of spent Uranium shells and bullets.”

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