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The assignment should be 4pages well writen
Florence Nightingale was a leader in nursing whose writings led to the foundation of many of our current nursing philosophies and theoretical models. Although there have been significant changes in our society and health care since her era, one can identify evidence of her writings and practice in current nursing practice.
For this assignment, read “Nightingale’s Environmental Theory” published by Margaret Hegge in Nursing Science Quarterly 26(3), 211-219.
In this article, Dr. Hegge describes the environmental theory from Nightingale’s experiences. In your writing, please address the following topics:
Introduction to the main topic of the paper.
Describe Nightingale’s Theory.
Explain the current (actual or potential) environmental problem faced by patients or communities. Be sure that the problem is within the past 5 years and show the impact of the environment on the health problem. Discuss political influences, policy issues, and legal influences on the problem. Examples of current environmental problems include: Covid 19, Flint Water Crisis, Air pollution etc.
Compare and contrast one other discipline (e.g., PT,OT,Pharmacy, Social Work, Nutrition etc.) with nursing in examining the problem.
Discuss stakeholders and resources involved in examining the problem
Discuss outcomes. How will you measure the success of the solutions you propose?.
General directions for submitting assignment:
Use subheadings for each topic following the grading rubric.
The paper should be detailed with evidence.
APA format should be used including a title page, and references. You will lose credit if you do not follow APA format.
Assignment should be submitted electronically as a Word document to the Canvas site.
Before you begin writing, please review the grading rubric (located below) for this assignment. Be sure to proofread your work and be sure that you are meeting the grading criteria. Have someone proofread for you if you feel you need assistance with writing Nursing Reflection #1 Grading CriteriaCriteriaFull CreditPartial CreditNo Credit
Introduction5 pointsIntroduces the main topic of the paper.3 pointsLacks clarity in introducing the topic/paper.0 pointsDoes not introduce the main topic of the paper.
Nightingale’s Environmental Theory10 pointsDescribes Nightingale’s Environmental Theory6 pointsLacks clarity in describing the theory or one area of theory is missing.0 PointsDoes not sufficiently describe Nightingale’s Theory.
Explains a current (actual or potential) environmental problem faced by patients or communities15 PointsProblem is current (within past five years) and is explained in-depth. Shows the impact of the environment on the health problem. Describes the political influences, policy issues and legal influences on the problem.8 pointsLacks clarity and organization. The problem is explained without adequate depth and the problem is not current. Minimal evidence of how the environment plays a role in the health problem. Does not adequately describe the political influences, policy issues and legal influences on the problem.0 PointsProblem is not examined in- depth.
Compares and Contrasts another discipline with Nursing in examining the problem15 PointsIn-depth discussion with examples to support ideas. Explains how nursing can make a difference in examining the problem using Nightingale’s Environmental Theory and in improving or promoting population health.8 pointsOne area missing or lacks depth. Does not sufficiently explain how nursing can make a difference. Does not include Nightingale’s Environmental Theory in the discussion.0 PointsLacks detail or depth.
Stakeholders and Resources15 PointsDescribes what stakeholders are involved in the environmental issue8 pointsLacks clarity and depth0 PointsIs unclear and/or lacks depth
Outcomes15 pointsDescribes a way of measuring success in solving the problem. Gives examples and provides detail.8 pointsLacks clarity and method for measuring success. Lacks detail and limited use of examples.0 PointsLacks method for managing success. Lacks detail.
Professional Writing10 pointsPaper is at least 3 – 4 pages in length. Writing is accurate, clear, concise and organized. No spelling, grammatical or sentence structure errors. Provides adequate detail in paper. 6 pointsOne to two areas lacking. More than three spelling, grammatical and sentence errors.0 pointsWriting is unprofessional. Multiple spelling and grammatical errors.
APA Format10 pointsTitle page (Follow the APA 7th edition for writing a title page). Pages are numbered in upper right corner of each page. Times New Roman, 12 point type, double spacing with appropriate margins, paragraphs, indents. Headings and subheadings are used throughout the paper. References are cited appropriately and there are no more than two errors in APA style5 pointsNo more than three errors in APA format0 PointsReferences or citations are missing or there are more than four errors in APA formatting
Conclusion5 pointsEffectively summarizes the main points of the paper.3 pointsLacks clarity in concluding the main points of the paper.0 pointsNo conclusion
Nursing Reflection Assignment #1Nursing Reflection Assignment #1CriteriaRatingsPts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction5 ptsFull CreditIntroduces main topic of paper3 ptsPartial CreditLacks clarity in introducing topic/paper0 ptsNo CreditDoes not introduce the main topic of the paper
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNightingale’s Environmental Theory10 ptsFull CreditDescribes Nightingale’s Environmental Theory6 ptsPartial CreditLacks clarity in describing the theory or one area of theory is missing0 ptsNo CreditDoes not sufficiently describe Nightingale’s Theory
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplains a current (actual or potential) environmental problem faced by patients or communities15 ptsFull CreditProblem is current (within past five years) and is explained in depth. Shows the impact of the environment on the health problem. Describes the political influences, policy issues and legal influences on the problem.8 ptsPartial CreditLacks clarity and organization. The problem is explained without adequate depth and the problem is not current. Minimal evidence of how the environment plays a role in the health problem. Does not adequately describe the political influences, policy issues and legal influences on the problem.0 ptsNo CreditProblem is not examined in-depth
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompares and contrasts another discipline with nursing in examining the problem15 ptsFull CreditIn-depth discussion with examples to support ideas. Explains how nursing can make a difference in examining the problem using Nightingale’s Environmental Theory and in improving or promoting population health.8 ptsPartial CreditOne area missing or lacks depth. Does not sufficiently explain how nursing can make a difference. Does not include Nightingale’s Environmental Theory in the discussion.0 ptsNo CreditLacks detail or depth
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStakeholders and Resources15 ptsFull CreditDescribes what stakeholders are involved in the environmental issue8 ptsPartial CreditLacks clarity and depth0 ptsNo CreditIs unclear and/or lacks depth
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOutcomes15 ptsFull CreditDescribes a way of measuring success in solving the problem. Gives examples and provides detail.8 ptsPartial CreditLacks clarity and method for measuring success. Lacks detail and limited use of examples.0 ptsNo CreditLacks method for managing success. Lacks detail.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessional Writing10 ptsFull CreditPaper is at least 3-4 pages in length. Writing is accurate, clear, concise and organized. No spelling, grammatical or sentence structure errors. Provides adequate detail in paper.6 ptsPartial CreditOne to two areas lacking. More than three spelling, grammatical and sentence errors.0 ptsNo CreditWriting is unprofessional. Multiple spelling and grammatical errors.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format10 ptsFull CreditTitle page (Follow the APA 7th edition for writing a title page). Pages are numbered in upper right corner of each page. Times New Roman, 12 point type, double spacing with appropriate margins, paragraphs, indents. Headings and subheadings are used throughout the paper. References are cited appropriately and there are no more than two errors in APA style5 ptsPartial CreditNo more than three errors in APA format0 ptsNo CreditReferences or citations are missing or there are more than four errors in APA formatting
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion5 ptsFull CreditEffectively summarizes the main points of the paper3 ptsPartial CreditLacks clarity in concluding the main points of the paper0 ptsNo CreditNo conclusion
5 pts
Total Points: 100

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