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Choose one of the following prompts for your long essay due week 14.
1) Explain the relationship between Isaac and Ishmael and the effect these two men had on future religions. Do you consider their relationship as the catalyst for animosity between Christians and Muslims? Why or why not?
2) Describe the similarities between Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity. Decide if they are related or not and defend your position.
3) Create your own religion using components of the religions we’ve studied. Explain why you chose the components you did. You cannot select an existing religion in total, you must create a completely new one.
4) If world leaders had to take this class, what religion would they choose as their state religion? Use examples of countries and which religion they would choose.
The essay will be 1500 words in length (not including the bibliography). Students will use at least five academic resources other than their textbook (TikTok is not an academic resource).
Essays will follow the format: Introduction- tell me what you are going to tell me; Body- this is your argument- tell me what you want to tell me, and a conclusion- tell me what you told me. A bibliography page is required for this assignment. A list of possible topics will be supplied in Canvas.
Use MLA as the style and grammar format.
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