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Uberdrivers cancelling after asking where the ride goes
byu/halbesbrot inberlin

Companies like Uber specialize in disrupting traditional labor management relationships as they expand into new markets and disrupt the urban transport sector.  As the Thielen and Dudley et. al. articles show, this often produces conflicts which urban governments feel obligated to step in and resolve. 
Imagine a scenario where an Uber-like company faces a conflict between drivers who fear for their safety and won’t go to certain locations and riders who want to go there. Please feel free to flesh out whatever details you think are  most relevant. What can companies and governments do to address this conflict – and how might this work out differently in Manhattan and Berlin? For Manhattan, be sure to specify what time period you had in mind, as regulations change ( to an external site.d substantially between 2010 and 2018. For Berlin, you might find some useful context in reddit links (  What types of mediation efforts might work best?  Your task is to do the following:
1. Based on the reading, define and discuss:
What is at the heart of the conflict between drivers and riders?
How might the cultural, regulatory, and logistical differences between Manhattan and Berlin exacerbate or mitigate the conflict?
2. Brainstorm potential strategies to mediate the conflict and address concerns from both drivers and riders:
What could the companies do to resolve the issue while maintaining safety and equity in both cities?
What could governments do to resolve the issue while maintaining safety and equity in both cities?
3. Use AI to Support/Critique Resolution Efforts
Use your language alone to outline potential resolutions for the conflict.
Reflect on how well your solutions address the challenges in both cities.
Please make sure to cite appropriately, including what prompt language you used to generate the results that you achieved. 
Overall, as you write out your response, make sure that you are answering the following: 
How do cultural and regulatory differences shape the feasibility of conflict resolution strategies in Manhattan and Berlin?
What role can companies play in addressing both safety and equity concerns?
How might governments intervene, and what are the potential limitations of such interventions?
What did you learn from using AI (if applicable) to explore resolution strategies?

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