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NCCHPP (2012) has outlined a framework for analyzing public policy. These dimensions include the effects (i.e., effectiveness, unintended effects, equity) and implementation (i.e., cost, feasibility, acceptability) of policy. In this journal assignment, you will use this framework to analyze a policy that pertains to public health surveillance at the state or national level.
Your journal assignment will have three parts, as detailed below:
Part 1: Policy Identification
For your journal entry, identify a policy that pertains to public health surveillance at the state or national level. Begin your journal entry with a (brief) summary of this policy. Then you will proceed with policy evaluation.
Part 2: Policy Evaluation
This section of the prompt is designed to assess your ability to apply the NCCHPP’s framework. You will evaluate the policy identified in Part 1 using the framework’s six dimensions: effectiveness, unintended effects, equity, cost, feasibility, and acceptability.
You will appraise each policy dimension described in the outline below. The questions for each sub-dimension are directly taken from the framework’s appendix (page 12). Not all of the questions will pertain to the policy that you have identified. You will select and answer one relevant question in each sub-dimension to demonstrate your ability to apply the framework.
This part of the prompt will be assessed using the following criteria:
Accurate: The response is free from errors of fact or interpretation and includes precise details.
Relevant: The selected question is appropriately related to the policy.
Comprehensive: The response addresses all important aspects of the question.
Coherent: The response demonstrates logical and consistent analysis of the policy.
Dimension A: Policy Effects
Sub-dimension A1: Effectiveness Apply the effectiveness dimension of the NCCHPP’s framework by selecting one of the following questions:
What are the effects (positive, neutral, negative) of the public policy under study on the targeted health problem?
How effective is this policy in terms of its intermediate effects?
Is the intervention logic of this policy plausible?
How does the implementation context influence this policy’s effectiveness?
How much time is needed before effects can be observed, and do these effects persist over time?
Sub-dimension A2: Unintended effects Apply the unintended effects dimension of the NCCHPP’s framework by selecting one of the following questions:
Does the policy under study produce unintended effects, whether positive or negative?
How can the negative unintended effects be mitigated?
Sub-dimension A3: Equity Apply the equity dimension of the NCCHPP’s framework by selecting one of the following questions:
What are the effects (intended or unintended) of the policy under study on different groups?
Does this policy create, reinforce, or correct social inequalities in health?
Dimension B: Policy Implementation
Sub-dimension B1: Cost Apply the cost dimension of the NCCHPP’s framework by selecting one of the following questions:
What are the financial costs and gains for the government? For other actors (industry, community organizations, consumers, taxpayers, etc.)?
How are the costs distributed over time?
To what extent are the costs apparent?
How do the costs of the policy under study compare with those of other potential policies, including that of inaction?
What is the cost effectiveness of the policy under study for the government? For society?
Sub-dimension B2: Feasibility Apply the feasibility dimension of the NCCHPP’s framework by selecting one of the following questions:
Are the required human, material, and technological resources available?
Does the policy being studied fall under the legal jurisdiction of the authority who wishes to adopt it? Is it in conformity with existing legislation?
Is this policy a follow-up to a pilot program?
Can this policy be administered by preexisting mechanisms?
Is the authority promoting this policy also the one that will implement it? If not, how many different actors are involved in implementing this policy? Are they effectively guided by the policy’s promoters? Do they cooperate well?
Do the opponents of this policy have the ability to interfere with its adoption? Its implementation?
Sub-dimension B3: Acceptability Apply the acceptability dimension of the NCCHPP’s framework by selecting one of the following questions:
Which actors are, or would be, affected by the public policy under consideration?
Is the problem targeted by this policy considered a social issue that requires intervention?
What are stakeholders’ reactions to the idea of intervening to address this problem?
How do stakeholders think the issue should be addressed?
What do stakeholders think of the proposed policy (e.g., of its effectiveness, its unintended effects, its equitability, its cost, and its feasibility, the degree of coercion it involves)?
What do stakeholders think of the conditions surrounding adoption and implementation of this policy?
Can the policy’s acceptability evolve during the period in which it is being implemented?
Part 3: Impact on Public Health and Equity
Conclude your journal entry by describing the impact this policy has on public health and health equity. Ensure your response includes the following:
A descriiption of the vulnerable population/community
The health inequity (i.e., health disparity) addressed or created by the policy—and then a reflection on how health equity may be achieved.
The relevant social determinants of health associated with the population/community.
Suggested Journal Structure
Part 1: Policy Identification (short paragraph)
Part 2: Policy Evaluation
Responses to questions for Dimension A: Policy Effects (one substantive paragraph)
Responses to questions for Dimension B: Policy Implementation (one substantive paragraph)
Part 3: Impact on Public Health and Health Equity (one substantive paragraph)
What to Submit
Submit this assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.
rubric is attached and guide
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