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Assignment 6: Signature Assignment: Explain a Critical Issue Facing Law Enforcement Today
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This course examined numerous critical issues facing law enforcement and public safety. For this Signature Assignment, choose an additional important issue, one we have not covered in class, and one you think will become the next significant issue facing law enforcement in the future.
After careful consideration, select the most important or pressing issue facing your agency, jurisdiction, region of law enforcement, and public safety broadly, that was not covered in this course. Other than avoiding a redundant topic that has already been covered in the course, there are no restrictions on your choice of topic.
Signature Assignment Criteria Assume you are briefing recruits who have just completed their police academy training. These recruits are interested in applying to your department, and your chief has requested you present the following information to your audience in a PowerPoint presentation:
Define and describe the issue. How is it impacting your community? Present an overview of the critical issue and empirical evidence on its scope and prevalence.
Examine the various elements/subtopics of the issue. Including evidence and the voices/positions of topic-specific experts will add value to this section.
Based on the evidence provided, what can/should law enforcement and public safety professionals be doing today to best prepare for this issue moving forward?
Length: 8-10 slides (not including title and reference slides), with 50-100 words of notes per slide that could serve as a transcript or talking points.
References: Support your presentation with a minimum of 3 scholarly or professional resources.
The completed Signature Assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course.
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Due on Sep 1, 2024 11:59 PM
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Rubric Name: Presentation Rubric Assign 6
CriteriaExceeds ExpectationsMeets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Not Evident
Criterion Score
Visual Design
3 points
The presentation showcases an outstanding and visually engaging design. Color scheme and fonts are carefully chosen,
creating a cohesive and professional look. Images and graphics are highly relevant, visually impactful, and of exceptional quality.
2.7 points
The presentation exhibits a
Visually appealing design. Color scheme and fonts are consistent and enhance the
content. Images and graphics effectively support the message and are of high quality.
2.25 points
The presentation
has a basic visual design. Color scheme and fonts are somewhat consistent. Images and graphics are moderately relevant and of decent quality.
0 points
The presentation lacks a cohesive visual design. Color scheme and fonts are inconsistent and distract from the
content. Images and
graphics are of low quality or unrelated to
the topic.
Score of Visual Design,
/ 3
Organization and Clarity
3 points
The presentation exhibits excellent organization and clarity. Information is flawlessly structured, facilitating seamless understanding. Key points are exceptionally highlighted and articulated, leaving no room for
2.7 points
The presentation is well- organized and clear. Information is logically structured and easy to follow.
Key points are effectively highlighted and articulated.
2.25 points
The presentation demonstrates some organization and clarity. Information is presented in a somewhat structured manner. Key points are Somewhat highlighted and articulated.
0 points
The presentation lacks organization and clarity. Information is Poorly structured and
difficult to follow. Key
points are not clearly highlighted or
Score of Organization and Clarity,
/ 3
Content Relevance
3 points
The presentation showcases exceptional content relevance.
Every piece of information is directly related to the topic and message. The content presented greatly enhances the overall understanding and impact.
2.7 points
The presentation includes highly relevant content. Information is consistently tied to the main topic and message. The content provided significantly contributes to the overall
2.25 points
The presentation contains somewhat relevant content. Some
parts of the information are vague or not fully connected to the main topic. The overall relevance to the message is moderate.
0 points
The presentation lacks relevance to the topic or message. Content is mostly irrelevant or
off-topic. The information presented does not contribute to the overall
Score of Content Relevance,
/ 3
2 points
APA format is used accurately and consistently in the paper and on the “References” section; follows APA guidelines with regard to mechanics, sentence structure, and word choice.
1.8 points
APA format is used with minor errors; follows APA guidelines with regard to mechanics, sentence structure, and word choice with few minor errors.
1.5 points
There are frequent errors in APA format.
0 points
Format of the document is not recognizable as APA.
Score of Format,
/ 2
Grammar & Spelling
2 points
All grammar and spelling are correct.
1.8 points
Only one or two errors in spelling/grammar.
1.5 points
A few grammar and/or spelling errors.
0 points
Very frequent grammar and/or spelling errors.
Score of Grammar & Spelling,
/ 2
TotalScore of Presentation Rubric Assign 6,
/ 13Overall Score
Exceeds Expectations13 points minimum
Meets Expectations11.7 points minimum
Needs Improvement9.75 points minimum
Not Evident0 points minimum
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