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Checklist for Formal Report Checklist for Formal Report
To ensure your researched report is effective, use the following checklist to make sure the report contains the following components:
_____ The body of the report is a minimum of five pages in length and is double-spaced.
_____ The report uses a minimum of 5 varied sources (All sources should not be the same type i.e. all books)
_____ The report contains a minimum of one visual aid that is titled and cited appropriately and correctly discussed in the report
_____ Transmittal Correspondence is included
¨ Written in memorandum format
¨ Contains the following:
a) contains the title of the report
b) has an opening to remind reader of report’s purpose and who has requested or authorized it
c) explains when the report was requested
d) provides a brief summary of the report’s findings
e) expresses appreciation to those who were helpful in assembling the report or providing information
f) offers to clarify any information or follow up on the report
¨ Length of correspondence is no longer than 2-3 paragraphs
_____ Title page is included in the report and contains:
¨ A clear specific title that tells reader what report is about
¨ Name and position of person(s) receiving report
¨ Your name and position
¨ Date of submission
_____ Table of Contents follows Title Page.
¨ Includes any prefatory matter (abstract, list of illustrations, glossary) in lower case Roman numerals
¨ Lists the name of each section of the report in the same wording and format as body of report
¨ Indents subsections of major sections
¨ Lists only the page number on which the section begins and uses Arabic numerals
_____ List of Illustrations is included if three or more visuals are used in the body of report
¨ Each visual is numbered and titled with page numbers provided
¨ The List of Illustrations may be written on the same page as the Table of Contents or on a separate page following it
_____ Executive Summary or Summary follows the Table of Contents
¨ Is a miniature version of the report (presents main ideas of the report without including details or supporting points)
¨ Is single-spaced
¨ Length ranges from one paragraph to ½ typed page
_____ Glossary is included if necessary (Assume you are writing for a lay audience. If you use terminology in the report that would be unfamiliar to a lay person, you must use a glossary to define the words.
_____ Report contains an Introduction section, which is the first section of the body of the report, that contains the following (sub-headings may be used):
¨ Explains the report’s purpose
¨ Indicates the intended readers of the report
¨ Explains the scope and limitations (explains what report covers and if appropriate, explains what the report does not include)
¨ Explains the methods and resources used to generate the information
¨ Includes a plan of development that outlines the major sections of report
_____ Body of report:
¨ Is divided into major sections and sub-sections that are set off from rest of text (bold, underline, italicize)
¨ Is well-organized, adopting the most logical sequence for the information
¨ Is clear, accurate, and sufficiently detailed to satisfy the needs of the intended audience
¨ Incorporates facts, figures, and expert opinion from a variety of sources
¨ Uses clear, simple language
¨ Maintains an appropriate tone: objective (not emotional), formal (not conversational)
¨ Employs appropriate visuals that are introduced in the text and explained. Visuals should be labeled as Tables or Figures. Full MLA citation of source directly below visual.
____Report contains a conclusion section that briefly restates the report’s main ideas and explains why they are important. It may possibly also do the following:
a) make recommendations
b) explain significance of situation
c) explain consequences of situation
d) make predictions about topic in relation to organization’s future
_____ Report includes full documentation of all sources used according to MLA format
¨ Contains Works Cited page following the conclusion of report
¨ Uses parenthetical citations throughout the body of report
_____ The report should use an Appendix if you are including supplemental information that may be helpful to intended readers but is not necessary to understanding the report itself.
(Examples: survey questionnaires, list of references for additional reading, list of useful addresses or phone numbers for resources, interview questions and responses)
_____ The report has been proofread and edited for typographical and mechanical errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.
-your formal report is almost complete. Remember to discuss at least one ethical dilemma (a choice between two options that may be both difficult and unpleasant choices) that may occur in your topic of research.
-Do not use decorative images as support for your research. (Words, pictures of people, computers, etc. do not provide any data or evidence for your topic. MLA guidelines strongly discourages this.)
Avoid .com websites to find research information. Review the requirements for sources .com websites sell services or products to people, so their data and information may be skewed unless they provide a credible citation to where they compiled
-will allow one .com website, but all others should be from academic- peer reviewed, .edu or .gov-type sources. You can use another .com if you exceed the number of sources required and the .com sources do not exceed 25-30% of the resources.
If possible, locate the original source to cite. If you borrow an image written by an author, who found the image somewhere else and cites it, you need to make this clear by citing it as an indirect quotation (Qtd. in “author’s name).
Here’s one of the links I shared with many of you in my feedback:
To earn a passing/successful grade on this report, you must demonstrate MLA citations in text and on the Works Cited page correctly. Any words taken verbatim must be surrounded by quotation marks. Do not plagiarize your work.
Elad, Barry. “30+ Most Shocking Employment Discrimination Statistics for 2023: The Employment Discrimination Situation in the United States.” Enterprise Apps Today, 6 Oct. 2023,

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