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Your task for this assignment is to write a paper in which you apply developmental science to solve a real-world problem facing children and families. This paper builds off of the work you did on the preparation paper.
>>>Many parents struggle with how to manage their children’s behavior (e.g., not listening, whining, talking back, not following rules, etc.) How can parents address this challenge? >>>
Paper should include:
APA-style Title page
Introduction (that includes a description of the problem and eases the reader into the paper)
Proposed solution (that explains how exactly the problem could be solved – be specific on action steps to take!)
Evidence-based argument for your proposal, including at least four paragraphs (three articulating theories/research findings/concepts from at least three different chapters and one articulating how evidence from a peer-reviewed, empirical article supports the proposed solution)
APA-style References Page
The concept I would suggest to a parent struggling with difficult behaviors, would be to reach out to their wider set of supporters, namely their micro (co-parents/teachers/peers/school/neighborhood/work members) and mesosystems (the relationship between the microsystems and the child i.e.: what is happening at school could be influenced by what is happening at home) in terms of ecological theory as proposed by Urie Bronfenbrenner.
Final Report Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style Title Page
10 pts
Follows all APA style rules for title block, including a title that clearly describes content of paper.
8.5 pts
Mostly meets criteria for outstanding, but contains a few errors and/or title is not precise descriptor of paper contents.
7.5 pts
Generally follows APA style rules for header and title block but may include some errors; title is generally accurate but may not be fully descriptive of paper content.
6 pts
Needs Improvement
Contains major errors in formatting or title (perhaps including problems with clarity/accuracy of title.
0 pts
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
10 pts
Gradually eases the reader into the topic of the paper using a scientific and objective tone; clearly states to the reader what the problem to be solved is and why this problem was selected.
8.5 pts
Mostly meets criteria for outstanding, but reader is left with a few questions about the purpose of the paper.
7.5 pts
Eases the reader into the topic of the paper but may be too abrupt (jumping into content too quickly) or tone may not be consistently objective/scientific; states the problem that will be addressed but rationale for why it was selected is not presented in a way that is fully clear to the reader.
6 pts
Needs Improvement
Contains problems with one or more of the following: Jumps into the content of paper without giving any kind of gradual lead in; tone is casual throughout; the problem to be addressed is stated but the explanation for why it was selected is very superficial or rationale is very difficult to follow.
0 pts
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProposed Solution
10 pts
Describes a solution to the problem with sufficient detail for the reader to be able to implement the solution. The solution proposed clearly follows from developmental science principles that were discussed in class; the solution demonstrates a deep level of understanding of developmental principles.
8.5 pts
Mostly meets criteria for outstanding, but reader is left with a few questions about the proposed solution.
7.5 pts
A solution is presented but the description of the solution is not fully complete (such that the reader would need to ask clarification questions in order to implement the solution); the solution is technically an accurate way to address the problem but is somewhat superficial – failing to show a deep level of reflection on the course content
6 pts
Needs Improvement
Description of solution is very vague or the proposed solution only superficially addresses the problem.
0 pts
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence for Solution from Textbook #1
10 pts
Provides an evidence-based argument for why the solution should be implemented to solve the problem based on one piece of evidence from the textbook. The theory/research finding/concept is clearly summarized and the author articulates how that evidence provides support for the solution.
8.5 pts
Mostly meets criteria for outstanding, but reader is left with a few minor questions about the evidence and/or how it supports the proposal.
7.5 pts
Provides an evidence-based argument in support of the solution based on one piece of evidence from the textbook. However the argument is somewhat superficial; this may be due to the summary of the theory/concept/research finding being only vaguely or superficially described and/or the link between the evidence and the proposed solution not being fully articulated.
6 pts
Needs Improvement
Response is highly vague or superficial.
0 pts
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence for Solution from Textbook #2
Note: This must be from a different chapter than evidence #1
10 pts
Provides an evidence-based argument for why the solution should be implemented to solve the problem based on one piece of evidence from the textbook. The theory/research finding/concept is clearly summarized and the author articulates how that evidence provides support for the solution.
8.5 pts
Mostly meets criteria for outstanding, but reader is left with a few minor questions about the evidence and/or how it supports the proposal.
7.5 pts
Provides an evidence-based argument in support of the solution based on one piece of evidence from the textbook. However the argument is somewhat superficial; this may be due to the summary of the theory/concept/research finding being only vaguely or superficially described and/or the link between the evidence and the proposed solution not being fully articulated.
6 pts
Needs Improvement
Response is highly vague or superficial and/or the evidence comes from a previously used chapter.
0 pts
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence for Solution from Textbook #3
Note: This must be from a different chapter than evidence #1 and #2
10 pts
Provides an evidence-based argument for why the solution should be implemented to solve the problem based on one piece of evidence from the textbook. The theory/research finding/concept is clearly summarized and the author articulates how that evidence provides support for the solution.
8.5 pts
Mostly meets criteria for outstanding, but reader is left with a few minor questions about the evidence and/or how it supports the proposal.
7.5 pts
Provides an evidence-based argument in support of the solution based on one piece of evidence from the textbook. However the argument is somewhat superficial; this may be due to the summary of the theory/concept/research finding being only vaguely or superficially described and/or the link between the evidence and the proposed solution not being fully articulated.
6 pts
Needs Improvement
Response is highly vague or superficial and/or the evidence comes from a previously used chapter.
0 pts
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence for Solution from an empirical article
Note: you should confirm your article meets the criteria of being empirical and peer-reviewed BEFORE submitting your final paper
10 pts
Provides an evidence-based argument for why the solution should be implemented to solve the problem based on one piece of evidence from a peer-reviewed empirical article. The relevant aspects of the article are clearly summarized and the author articulates how that evidence provides support for the solution.
8.5 pts
Mostly meets criteria for outstanding, but reader is left with a few minor questions about the article and/or how it supports the proposal.
7.5 pts
Provides an evidence-based argument in support of the solution based on the peer-reviewed, empirical article. However the argument is somewhat superficial; this may be due to the summary of the relevant information from the article being only vaguely or superficially described and/or the link between the evidence and the proposed solution not being fully articulated.
6 pts
Needs Improvement
Response is highly vague or superficial and/or the article used as evidence is not a peer-reviewed empirical article.
0 pts
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion
10 pts
Provides a 1 paragraph concluding paragraph that clearly and succinctly summarizes key points and take-home messages for the reader.
8.5 pts
Mostly meets criteria for outstanding, but reader may not be fully clear on the take-home message.
7.5 pts
Provides a concluding paragraph that summarizes key points and take-home messages for the reader but in a way that is somewhat superficial.
6 pts
Needs Improvement
Concluding paragraph is written but the summary of key ideas/take-home message is very vague or superficial.
0 pts
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences
10 pts
Follows all APA-style rules for formatting of the page overall and individual entries.
8.5 pts
Follows APA-style rules for formatting but contains some small errors.
7.5 pts
Generally follows APA-style rules for formatting but contains several errors.
6 pts
Needs Improvement
Generally follows APA-style rules for formatting but contains several major errors.
0 pts
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Quality
10 pts
Tone of the paper is objective and scientific throughout (meaning that arguments are provided to support assertions); the meaning of each sentence is clear to reader; there is a logical flow of ideas from one sentence to the next making it easy for reader to understand the logic of the writer.
8.5 pts
Writing mostly meets the criteria for outstanding but does not do so consistently throughout the paper.
7.5 pts
Tone is generally objective but may author may fail to fully articulate rationale behind assertions; the meaning of sentences is generally clear to the reader but may lack clarity in some sections; overall there is a sense of logic in how ideas from each sentence connect to the previous one, but there may be some sections where the reader has to try to figure out what the writer is thinking.
6 pts
Needs Improvement
Tone of the paper is too conversational; it is difficult for reader to understand the meaning of sentences; the ideas seem to jump from one point to another without the author making it clear to the reader how they are connected.
0 pts

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