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The massive increase in the rate of novel cyberattacks has made techniques based in data mining critical components in detecting and preventing security threats.
For this project, you will review professional literature to investigate, identify, select, and propose a cybersecurity topic based in data mining to be submitted in a written report and in a presentation that integrates the data mining techniques for detection, prevention, or mitigation of cyberthreat(s).
The topics might include but not limited to:
• Malware detection
• Anomaly detection
• Log analysis
• Phishing detection
• Alert correlation
• Intrusion detection
• Web and email security
• Social security
Project Proposal
To help you organize your thoughts, please download and fill in the Proposal Submission document (Word).
The project proposal is submitted in Assignment 3.2: Project Proposal before the due date. Your project proposal is reviewed by the instructor and feedback is provided. Once the proposal is approved, you can start further investigation and development of the project.
You are encouraged to review your paper with the Grammarly Plagiarism checker prior to submitting it to the TurnItIn dropbox. While these checkers use different algorithms leading to different results, using this checker prior to submitting it to the TurnItIn dropbox will help to ensure that your paper has a lower similarity report.
• Appropriate professional and academic standards in your writing should be followed. You can quote other people’s work (websites, conference proceedings, industry magazines, journals, and books) provided that you cite and reference them correctly in your project report. However, most of your report should be written in your own words. Each quotation, table, or diagram from another source must be accompanied by a discussion in your own words. For example, if you have included a table from another source, then you must write about what you think the table shows, why you have included it, why it is relevant, and so on.
• When choosing sources, please check that they have passed some form of quality assurance (for this reason, books, journal articles, and conference articles are good choices). Also, bear in mind that if it is difficult to identify the author, year, or title of an article, then it has not been subject to quality assurance.
• Your project report must end with a section giving references. This will show where you got your source material from. Please use IEEE referencing style and review the examples.
Project Checkpoints
To help you maintain progress on your project, write a brief reflection on how your project is progressing. The reflections can be one paragraph outlining what you have researched, what you have found, what challenges you have been faced, etc. These will be submitted in Assignment 5.2: Project Checkpoint.
Final Project Presentation
In Discussion 7.1: Final Project Presentation, you will share a video of your project. (I will do the video if you can manage the power point as well)
1. Prepare a PowerPoint video presentation summarizing your report and findings in simple language for general audience.
2. The project presentation should no be longer than 20 minutes, covering the main aspects of the final project report.
3. Review the Zoom Instructions for Recording an Individual Presentation for information about recording and sharing your presentation via OneDrive.
Final Project Report
Based on the approved proposal and topic, the report should highlight the findings of your investigation. Your final project report should be between 2000 to 3000 words.
• Make sure your sections/subsections have numbers.
• Make sure each page has a number.
• If figures are used, then put captions on all figures/diagrams.
• Cite all work that has come from other sources.
• Make sure that all sources cited are listed in your list of references.
Details about the report are provided in Assignment 7.1: Final Project Report.
Please review the Overview of the Final Project. Based on the approved proposal and topic, the report should highlight the findings of your investigation. Your final project report should be between 2000 to 3000 words and reflect the following guidelines:
1. Abstract: A very brief summary of the project aims, method(s) used, and results.
2. Introduction: A general descriiption of the project, its applications, and any background or related studies.
3. Methodology: Based on the literature, describe the data mining technique(s) applied in the selected cybersecurity domain and provide technical details for the method(s). Include a block diagram (or flowchart) that outlines all implementation steps of the method(s). Discuss the performance measures used and results obtained by these method(s).
4. Data/Data Set (if applicable): Describe the characteristics of the data/data set(s) in terms of features, log files, data files, etc. in this section. If any data preparation on the data/data set including feature selection and dimensionality reduction have been done, you should describe them in this section. The division of the data set to training, cross validation, and test sets should be provided as well. Include direct links or any references (if applicable) to the data/data set used for the method development.
5. Discussion: Discuss and compare (in the case multiple algorithms/methods) the efficiency of the methods through summarizing the evaluation experiments available in the literature.
6. References: List the references you have cited in the report (using IEEE referencing style).
7. Extra Credit: Up to 10 extra credit points may be added to your grade for presenting a real-world data mining challenge and submitting your Python code.
You are encouraged to review your paper with the Grammarly Plagiarism checker prior to submitting it to the TurnItIn dropbox. While these checkers use different algorithms leading to different results, using this checker prior to submitting it to the TurnItIn dropbox will help to ensure that your paper has a lower similarity report.
1. Organize your report for readability and integrity, and create appendices wherever appropriate.
2. The report should follow SBU’s standard format (less than 10% quoted, with citations) and should include following sections:
a. Title Page
b. Table of Contents
c. Abstract
d. Introduction
e. Methodology
f. Data/Data set
g. Discussion
h. References (in IEEE style)
Presentation of the Project Report
1. Make sure you have a table of contents.
2. Make sure your sections/subsections have numbers.
3. Make sure each page has a number.
4. Make sure your table of contents, section numbers, and page numbers all correlate.
5. If figures or diagrams are used, then put captions on them.
6. Make sure that new page breaks are at appropriate places (e.g., not just after new sections or in the middle of a figure or diagram or table row/column).
7. Cite all work that has come from other sources.
8. Make sure that all sources cited are included in your list of references.
Your report will be marked based on coverage, relevance, clarity, degree of your input, and quality of your writing.
Please review the Overview of the Final Project. Based on the approved proposal and topic, the presentation should highlight the findings of your investigation.
Record a PowerPoint video presentation summarizing your project report and findings in simple language for a general audience. Discuss and demonstrate your investigated methods/algorithms and results. The presentation should not be longer than 20 minutes, covering the main aspects of the final report.
Review the Zoom Instructions for Recording an Individual Presentation for information about recording and sharing your presentation via OneDrive.
Please review the Overview of the Final Project. Based on the approved proposal and topic, the report should highlight the findings of your investigation. Your final project report should be between 2000 to 3000 words and reflect the following guidelines:
1. Abstract: A very brief summary of the project aims, method(s) used, and results.
2. Introduction: A general descriiption of the project, its applications, and any background or related studies.
3. Methodology: Based on the literature, describe the data mining technique(s) applied in the selected cybersecurity domain and provide technical details for the method(s). Include a block diagram (or flowchart) that outlines all implementation steps of the method(s). Discuss the performance measures used and results obtained by these method(s).
4. Data/Data Set (if applicable): Describe the characteristics of the data/data set(s) in terms of features, log files, data files, etc. in this section. If any data preparation on the data/data set including feature selection and dimensionality reduction have been done, you should describe them in this section. The division of the data set to training, cross validation, and test sets should be provided as well. Include direct links or any references (if applicable) to the data/data set used for the method development.
5. Discussion: Discuss and compare (in the case multiple algorithms/methods) the efficiency of the methods through summarizing the evaluation experiments available in the literature.
6. References: List the references you have cited in the report (using IEEE referencing style).
7. Extra Credit: Up to 10 extra credit points may be added to your grade for presenting a real-world data mining challenge and submitting your Python code.
You are encouraged to review your paper with the Grammarly Plagiarism checker prior to submitting it to the TurnItIn dropbox. While these checkers use different algorithms leading to different results, using this checker prior to submitting it to the TurnItIn dropbox will help to ensure that your paper has a lower similarity report.
1. Organize your report for readability and integrity, and create appendices wherever appropriate.
2. The report should follow SBU’s standard format (less than 10% quoted, with citations) and should include following sections:
a. Title Page
b. Table of Contents
c. Abstract
d. Introduction
e. Methodology
f. Data/Data set
g. Discussion
h. References (in IEEE style)
Presentation of the Project Report
1. Make sure you have a table of contents.
2. Make sure your sections/subsections have numbers.
3. Make sure each page has a number.
4. Make sure your table of contents, section numbers, and page numbers all correlate.
5. If figures or diagrams are used, then put captions on them.
6. Make sure that new page breaks are at appropriate places (e.g., not just after new sections or in the middle of a figure or diagram or table row/column).
7. Cite all work that has come from other sources.
8. Make sure that all sources cited are included in your list of references.
Your report will be marked based on coverage, relevance, clarity, degree of your input, and quality of your writing.

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✔Secure ✔ Original ✔ On Schedule