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that is a three part assignment, please answer each part individualy each in a separate document: —–> answer the follwoing : (Analyze) Students will be able to analyze intergroup and intercultural relations using sociological categories of class and stratification, race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, culture and subculture
(Evaluation) Students will be able to compare competing sociological approaches to complex public issues in the US
Assignment Learning Outcome: Students will be able to model class relations using the concepts of labor theory of value, stratification, and labor security and insecurity (precarity); in addition, students will be able to compare each of the three approaches to social class. Directions
Answer questions one and two below. Answer in Question and Answer format. Your total response needs to be at least 250 words, not counting the questions (clarification: 250 words for your total submission, not 250 words per question below). Use citations for any source that you reference (citation format of your choice). You may include quotes in your response, but only up to two lines (30-35 words), and you must provide citations for the quote. Points will be deducted without sufficient use of citations.
Question 1 of 2: Imagine that a child asked you, “Why are rich people rich and poor people poor?” Use one of the three sociological approaches to social class presented in this module to respond to the child in a way that the child would understand. The three sociological approaches to social class presented in the module are labor theory of value, stratification, and labor studies (specifically The Precariat). Use at least two pieces of supporting evidence and include in-text citations and works cited.
Question 2 of 2: In your response to Question 1, you picked one of three sociological perspectives on social class. Why did you pick this approach over the other two? What are the strengths of this approach compared to the others? Use at least two pieces of supporting evidence and include in-text citations and works cited. ——> please answer the following in a separate document : (Analyze) Students will be able to analyze intergroup and intercultural relations using sociological categories of class and stratification, race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, culture and subculture
Assignment Learning Outcome: Students will be able to distinguish between racial projects and racist racial projects and use both concepts in current events analysis, specifically a historical instance of gerrymandering and racial quotas in public sector hiring practices, including crafting professional standard arguments with supporting evidence. Directions
Answer Questions 1-4. Answer in Question and Answer format. Your total response needs to be at least 250 words, not counting the questions (clarification: 250 words for your total submission, not 250 words per question below). Use citations for any source that you reference (citation format of your choice). You may include quotes in your response, but only up to two lines (30-35 words), and you must provide citations for the quote. Points will be deducted without sufficient use of citations.

Question 1 of 4: In what ways is gerrymandering a racial project? Use at least one piece of supporting evidence in your argumentation and include in-text citations and works cited.
Question 2 of 4: Does this historical example of gerrymandering meet the two conditions for a racist racial project? Why or why not? Use at least one piece of supporting evidence in your argumentation and include in-text citations and works cited.
Prompt for Questions 3 & 4: Google the definition of “racial inclusion targets” and watch this YouTube video on a racial inclusion targets in hiring in the NY Fire Department:
Also see this new story for more context: (Links to an external site.) (If you cannot access the article link then you can access it via the Rutgers Library website here: (Links to an external site.) )
Question 3 of 4: In what ways is an inclusion target a racial project? Use at least one piece of supporting evidence in your argumentation and include in-text citations and works cited.
Question 4 of 4: Does this historical example of inclusion targeting in the NYC Fire Department meet the two conditions for a racist racial project against white people (ie reverse discrimination towards whites)? Why or why not? Use at least one piece of supporting evidence in your argumentation and include in-text citations and works cited. _____> please answer the following in a separate document : Course Learning Outcomes: (Understand & Apply) Students will be able to apply sociological perspectives to their lived experiences and social world, especially interpretation of power relationships and diverse forms of resistance
(Evaluation) Students will be able to compare competing sociological approaches to complex public issues in the US
Assignment Learning Outcome: Students will be able to apply concepts of gender norms, gender inequality, and resistance to a social or political event or situation; in addition, students will be able to critically evaluate a sociological perspective on gender norms and inequality among suburban, youth, male subcultures.
Answer questions one and two below. Answer in Question and Answer format. Your total response needs to be at least 250 words, not counting the questions (clarification: 250 words for your total submission, not 250 words per question below). Use citations for any source that you reference (citation format of your choice). You may include quotes in your response, but only up to two lines (30-35 words), and you must provide citations for the quote. Points will be deducted without sufficient use of citations.
Question 1 of 2: What is an example of resistance to gender norms and/or gender inequality and why? The example may be from the news, current events, and/or social media (including Youtube). Use an example that is different from those presented in the slides. Use at least one piece of supporting evidence to justify why your example fits the theories. Include links and citations. Question 2 of 2: Michael Kimmel (author of Guyland) argued that suburban, youth, male subcultures (aka “guyland”) are characterized by gender inequality and the desire to prove masculinity (see the assigned reading and slides for more information). Kimmel argued that “guyland” is shaped by (1) consumer culture, because many young men are unable to find their masculinity in working the low-wage service economy, and (2) being socially and economically threatened by women. To what extent do you agree or disagree with Kimmel’s arguments in Guyland? If you disagree with Kimmel, what arguments do you find more persuasive (such as those of the Men’s Rights movement,

Use at least two pieces of supporting evidence in your argumentation, examples count as supporting evidence. Include links and citations, particularly for supporting evidence.

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