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create responses to the three posts based on info from my initial post
1) What are the key components of intelligence? How can one identify an intelligent person—what do they do, say, think, or feel, for example, that would lead one to decide that they are intelligent? To what extent is intelligence dependent on the culture in which one lives? Should we view intelligence as being those skills valued in a particular culture? Why or why not?
2) Of all the features of Type A personality, the trait that appears to be central to the relationship between Type A personality and heart disease is hostility. Briefly discuss the results of research on Type A personality and heart disease. Why do you think that hostility seems to be the key component driving the relationship between Type A personality and heart disease?
3) Think about your closest friend. Based on what you know about him or her, where would you classify that person on affect intensity? Provide specific examples that support your classification.
4) According to the text, two of the initial aspects of the self that children between the ages of two and three years old learn to identify and associate with themselves are a) sex (male or female) and b) age. Why are sex and age among the first aspects of the self that children notice and attend to? Why don’t children notice some other aspect, such as ethnicity, weight, or shoe size?
my post q1
There are three components to intelligence, based on the Triarchic hypothesis, and they are: analytical, creative, and practical.
An intelligent person can adapt to new situations, have a flexible thinking approach, and consider things before acting on them. As a result, they might not always spend much time worrying about problems they know will not happen. Behavior viewed as bright in one cultural context may be considered not as bright in another. It’s also worth noting that people in various cultures have varied ideas of intelligence.
Intelligence could be defined as the skills most valued in a given society. Those skills are valued solely in that cultural context because of cultural disparities in intelligence recognition in other cultures.
my post q2
Type A personalities are impatient, aggressive, and competitive, with an increased risk of heart disease since they are under more significant stress than the rest of us. In addition, blood pressure rises as a result of being under stress.
Stress-related disorders, including coronary heart disease (CHD), high blood pressure, and other problems, are more common in those with Type A personalities.
post 1 q1
Intelligence involves understanding and excelling at the environment around you. I feel like intelligent people can think outside the box and have multiple outlooks during problem solving. Some intelligence is hereditary and passed down genetically, but a lot of genetics can be learned and acquired through life experiences and studying/passing along information. Cultures who tend to be more intelligent are those who emphasize studying and obtaining knowledge. I do not think any particular culture inhibits your intelligence per say, maybe if you just lack resources like books. However, I do think some cultures value studies more.
post 2 q3
My close friend Carl has a very low affect intensity. When dealing with hard times, he shows no real change in emotion and barely ever seems phased by things. Only a handful of times have I ever seen him get mad at things either and I have been friends with him for at least seven years. He has changed jobs and schools many times and never shows any anxiety of being in a new place nor about leaving the comfort of his old one. On the other hand, we are like a yin and yang because I have a high affect intensity. I get very emotional and sentimental to things and starting new stages of my life. However, I have grown thicker skin and have a motivational will to overcome some of it. While we are both human, clearly everyone is created differently.
post 3
Intelligence is composed of different types including emotional and intelligence as far as knowledge, education and different subjects. An Intelligent person I know seeks to learn from everyone and assumes that he still has more to know. He is adaptable, well versed in different cultures and walks of life. He is also able to see the perspective of others, seeking to understand them. When they speak, they sound well educated and well read which would lead others to thinking they are intelligent. When around them, they give out knowledge and value without trying too hard. Intelligence is dependent on what the culture says a person is a part of values as far as knowledge.
Some cultures prioritize book smarts while others see intelligence as the amount of skillset you are able to acquire. I would argue intelligence should be viewed as a culture by culture basis because we all value something differently when it comes to intelligence. Book smarts in a 1st world country vs farming in a 3rd world country are equal because of the society.

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