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Your blog post will interrogate — from an anthropological perspective — a food object of your choice commonly consumed. This can include a manufactured items (coca cola, Big Mac) or a common food/ingredient (e.g., lettuce, breastmilk), or a common meal or meal item (e.g., pancakes, supermarket sushi, PB and J). You must engage at least three key themes in your blog.
Two must be from Modules 1-5. Examples of relevant theme choices are: What cultural meanings are attached to this food object, and in what context(s) (Module 1)?
Is there anything taboo about the food object, like when and how, where, or by whom it can be eaten (Module 2)?
How is social identity tied to this food object – e.g., what does it communicated to others about the person’s social position and status if someone eats or does not eat this food (Module 3)?
How is this food object transformed by us and/or transforming us (Module 4)?
Is this food object considered heathy or unhealthy, and by whom, and with what justification? (Module 5) [Be sure here to recognize that the line between what is healthy and unhealthy is arbitrary at best, and often contested! Foods are not inherently one or the other, so don’t start with that assumption!]
One must relate to Module 6. This is: How is power or privilege or exploitation related to this food object (Module 6)? We urge you to review the Module 6 materials before you finalize your blog submission.
Create a 1000-1600 word blog post suitable for public viewing. The blog is a positional and accessible piece of writing. You are presenting different perspectives on a complex problem that can be seen from different perspectives, presenting your evidence, and working at the same time to engage and convince the reader.
With this blog post, you are welcome to bring in stories or personal anecdotes as a tool to engage the reader, but the argument you make must be balanced and supported by at least one peer-reviewed study that was not a course reading. Use the ASU library and Google Scholar to locate appropriate studies. Here is some general assistance for locating scholarly references, how to read a scholarly reference, and how to cite them in APA format or any other format. It is imperative that you draw on concepts and approaches from at least three modules across the course to build your blog post. Prepare your blog post using an array of solid academic evidence, thought, wit, and careful choice of words to create an argument that directly addresses the complexities of balancing these varied perspectives on what is the “right” way(s) we should eat. There is no one way to address this question, and you can take it in a range of directions; have some fun, because that will be good for the reader! However:
Pay careful attention to the word count requirements as you edit.
Blog essays will not be read beyond the limit of 1600 words. This statement means that any section written beyond the 1600 word count will not receive a grade. Photographs enhance a blog post. Include one figure or photo of you food object. Ensure appropriate attribution for the source is given. You are welcome to draw, paint, or photograph personally if the you have the time and/or talent.
If you cite or use others’ scholarly work, please do so properly (provide the references). You can format the references using APA or any other professional format that ensures full citation of the sources of your ideas.
Check out the Blog Reflection Essay Rubric (below) to see how this assignment will be graded. Compare your completed assignment to the rubric to ensure you have met every expectation.
Note: there is no template for writing this assignment – let your topic dictate the best layout. This assignment gives a large number of points for a relatively short piece of writing, and gives weight to the clarity of your writing. This is because the goal is to have you edit and edit and edit to make writing clearer. Make sure you put editing time aside as you plan the assignment. Do not use public websites or public documents to construct your argument or as your evidence. These are not academic sources and should not be cited as such. Use only academic (peer-reviewed) sources. Some Tips on How to Write a Blog Post and Examples to Inspire
Remember: If you use material (including ideas) from a source, you must give the source credit. Here is the information again on how to cite. Preparing Your Blog Post Submission
There is no template provided for this assignment. At this stage, we expect you should be able to build your own “template” before you start writing to help structure your submission. Please reduce the file size of each photograph you use before importing/pasting it into the document. You can do this using standard photo editing software (Mac Preview, Adobe Photoshop, usually the program you use to import photos off your camera/device).
Your total document file size should not exceed 20MB. You can check the size of your file by going to Properties (PC) or Get Info (Mac) for the file. Please only upload files that are in .doc, .pdf, or .txt. Do not compress your file in .zip.
Text should be 1 inch margins, 12 pt font, single spaced.
Label your file LastnameFirstname_3

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