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Learning Goal: I’m working on a social science writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
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Assignment prompt: Answer the below questions with one substantial paragraph per answer (minimum 4 sentences, maximum 200 words). The first sentence should provide a specific answer to the whole question. The rest of the paragraph should provide information and quotes drawn from assigned reading in order to provide examples that support your answer. According to Vol. 1, Chap. 6 (Links to an external site.) of Who Built America?, what are some of the ways that African Americans (both those who were enslaved and those whom the text calls “free blacks”) challenged the institution of slavery in the U.S., and how did slave owners respond to those challenges? Your answer should be two paragraphs, one paragraph to answer each part of question, with at least one example per paragraph. (40% of grade) According to the “A Transformation Begins (Links to an external site.)” section of Vol. 1, Chap. 7 of Who Built America?, who benefited and who struggled as a result of the shift away from household and subsistence production to factory and market production in the northern U.S. in the early 19th century? As part of your answer, summarize the text’s explanation for why these groups benefited or struggled. (20% of grade)
According Vol. 1, Chap. 8 (Links to an external site.) of Who Built America?, what was “middle class reform” politics and what role did women play in it? What was “radical reform” politics and why was the abolition of slavery central to it? Your answer should be two paragraphs, one paragraph to answer each part of question, with at least one example per paragraph. (40% of grade)
Extra credit (up to 4 percent addition to assignment grade): Write about one of these two films shown in class this past week: “Daughters of Free Men” (shown Wednesday, August 10), or the excerpt from Episode 1 of the Abolitionists (shown Friday, August 12). In your writing, answer the question of how the film explained the development of a new social movement in the 1830s (either the labor movement or abolitionism). The first paragraph should identify what the film presented as the causes for people to form labor unions or abolitionist societies. The second paragraph should identify how the film supported its arguments (interviews, dramatic reenactments, music, etc). Both paragraphs should provide specific examples to support their claims. Identifying and Citing Sources
When quoting a text, you must identify in your writing who or what you are quoting—for example, the text itself, the name and title of a person quoted in the text, the name of an historical figure referenced in the text, the title and date of a document that runs alongside the main text, etc. If the meaning of the quote is not obvious, you should analyze and/ or explain the quote’s meaning and how it helps support your argument.
For questions 1-3, it will be assumed that the textbook Who Built America? is the source for your writing. Therefore you do not need to cite it for this assignment. For the extra credit assignment, when quoting a documentary you must identify in your writing who or what you are quoting— for example, the narrator of the documentary, the name and title of a person interviewed by the documentary, the name of an historical figure, a particular document, etc.
You should not use outside sources (including web sites) for this assignment. But if you do, you must cite those outside sources using footnotes or endnotes formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style: (Links to an external site.) Failure to place verbatim text from sources in quotes, failure to cite outside sources, or having someone complete your assignment for you are forms of plagiarism and violations of the student code. Students who are found to have plagiarized will receive a zero for the assignment, and no opportunity to redo the assignment. This can make it difficult for a student to pass the course.

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