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Find either a photo or a video of an animal utilizing a primary or secondary defense. Along with the photo or video list the following information:
Video Link or Photo
Source of Video or Photo
Primary or Secondary Defense?
Name of Dense Strategy
After listing the example of a defense strategy write a 1-2 page paper including the following:
Evolution & Adaptation: Although animals have some amazing defenses, predators can also evolve mechanisms that counteract these defenses. Describe what is meant by the “Red Queen Hypothesis” and provide one example of this (either in the animal you shared above or in a different animal). How does the “Red Queen Hypothesis” relate to animal evolution and adaptation?
Connecting Concepts: Throughout this class we have learned that behavior can be complex. Some behaviors can be innate and other behaviors can be learned and impacted by life experience. End your paper with an explanation of how that animal’s behavior may be impacted by their (1) evolutionary history, (2) environment (such as habitat or resource distribution), and (3) life experience (such as living in captive or wild conditions). Reflect on how these 3 factors may interact to produce behavior and how behavior may increase an individual’s fitness.

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