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After watching the TED video and reading the section about the Sociological Imagination, take the viewpoint of an outside observer to examine your life.
First, pick one personal experience that was meaningful to you.
Second, pick a viewpoint different from your own. It can be another gender, race, nationality, or maybe someone from a different subculture. Finally, write about the three points listed below.
Write a 500 or more word paper discussing each assignment point listed below.
1. Describe the personal experience as an outsider might describe it. (hint: depending on what you choose and the perspective you choose, this may require a little research)
2. Describe how that experience was influenced by society structures (e.g. historical events, religion, or traditions)
3. Finally review the four main perspectives and theorists related to those perspectives. What theory most applies to the personal experience you described and why do you think this theory applies?
Your paper must include a title sheet and at least 2 outside references. You may use one reference from the internet but the 2nd reference must be from the Grantham University online library. Only the body of the paper will count in your word requirement.

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