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All Assignments Apa References should be listed using APA style. APA format (font size 12 point, Times New Romans, double spaced, 1” margins, reference list, title page, running head)
week 7
eBook: The Adventures of an IT Leader…Part Four Chapter 15 Managing Talent
Part Four Chapter 16 Standardization
Part Four Chapter 17 Innovation
In addition to the content available in the course for this week, please be sure to read/view the following resources:Landry, S. (2019, April 3). Why emotional intelligence is important in leadership. Harvard Business School Online.
Discussion 7.1 The Technology Innovation Leader All Assignments Apa References should be listed using APA style. APA format (font size 12 point, Times New Romans, double spaced, 1” margins, reference list, title page, running head) 300 words
Technology Leadership and Innovation Management focus on providing individuals with a competitive advantage when moving into leadership and supervisory roles in technology-based organizations. Rapidly accelerating trends in innovation and technology have implications for a technology leader. Because hiring and training new employees is expensive, it is more cost effective to retain existing employees. Unfortunately, the best workers are most likely to receive tempting offers from rival businesses. That’s especially true in the increasingly important and competitive field of information technology.
Research to find examples of retention strategies implemented to retain IT employees.
In your opinion, which of these strategies are likely to be most effective? Explain the reasons for your recommendations.
Provide at least one reference to support your post.
In your response post, comment on whether you agree or disagree with your classmates, raise relevant questions, and share additional resources.
Assignment 7.1 Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions and recognize and influence the feelings of those around you.
Read the article by Lauren Landry (2019) on Why Emotional Intelligence Is Important in Leadership.
With the diversity within IVK, the management team needs to operate with Emotional Intelligence. However, that may only sometimes be the case.
Drawing on the Adventures book (attched) and your own research, create a development chart of Emotional Intelligence for critical individuals at IVK using the attached Importance of Emotional Intelligence template (MS Word).(Attached as IST5150Assignment7_1ImportanceofEmotionalIntellilgence)
Include a list of resources you consulted to complete this assignment.
Please check your assignment before submitting. Ensure that:
There are no spelling errors.
Sentences are grammatically correct.
There are no word contractions such as can’t and won’t.
You have used complete sentences and good sentence structure.
Submit your assignment in an Adobe PDF or MS Word file format.
Grading Criteria
Research & analysis (30%)
Emotional Intelligence Chart (40%)
Critical & creative thinking skills (15%)
References (5%)
Language, grammar, mechanics (10%)
Reflection 7.1 The Ideal Candidate
Reflect on the topics we have covered this week and respond to the following questions (between 100 to 200 words per question).
What should Barton and Gordon do about the Ivan Korsky problem?
How might IT managers best measure and compare the output of diverse employees?
Do you think this measurement should impact the kind of “deal” (contract) that IVK makes with talented employees such as Korsky?
What other kinds of challenges are involved when acquiring, training, and managing IT talent?
How much emphasis should the IVK IT group put on top-line benefits from IT systems, as opposed to traditional cost savings benefits?
Submit your Reflections in an Adobe PDF or MS Word file format.
Grading Criteria
Research (10%)
Reflection & application (40%)
Communication & expression (40%)
Language, grammar, mechanics (10%)

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