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OK, Let’s go through your points one by one:
1. Yes, the Republican Party wants Trump. That doesn’t legitimize his disregard for the constitution and the rule of law. There are many horrible 20th C political leaders who had widespread support. That support had a lot to do with dishonesty and manipulation of information. You need to go beyond Fox News. Are you aware that they paid $787 BILLION to Dominion Voting System for spreading lies about the 2020 election. Fox settled so they wouldn’t have to go to trial. They didn’t want to have to answer for stuff like this:
These are/were their top commentators, Notice what they said about Trump privately.
Just to remind you, you’re supporting a guy who lost the 2020 election, lied about it, and tried to overthrow the results, and who has taken over the Republican party to the point that anyone who doesn’t go along with the lie is cast out. So if you’re still OK with that you’re rejecting the foundation of what America was built on and have become part of Trump’s Cult of Personality (take a few minutes to review the definition attached to the link)
2. As for VP, why didn’t they stick with Pence? He was a loyal VP who brought in religious conservatives and gave Trump the illusion of being moral and ethical. Oh yeah, almost forgot–Pence finally rejected the cult of personality and said that Trump is unfit for office:
That doesn’t make you pause and think about your support of Trump?? Need more examples? Check out this list of former officials who worked for him You understand no president has ever had this kind of rejection by people who worked in their administrations and saw them in action first hand? These criticisms are not being made by liberal Democrats, they’re all former MAGA supporters who saw what was going on behind the curtain.
Points 3 and 4: Yes, I agree that immigration is a problem. I’ll repeat what I said earlier since you didn’t respond to the points I made:
“Now, about immigration. Yes, AGREED! A major problem/failure for the Biden admin. But Trump had 4 years to fix it and he failed. I won’t even get into the Trump bullshit about Mexico paying for it. He had 4 years to do it, and the most generous estimate is that about 450 miles of wall were built along a 2000 mile long border. That was his signature program–what he ran on more than any other issue in 2016. But it gets even worse. Republicans and Democrats just worked together in the Senate last week and wrote a bill to put serious and meaningful restrictions on illegal immigration, with Republicans getting pretty much everything key point they’ve been asking for, and Biden promised to sign it. Trump just sabotaged it, threatening Republicans in the House not to support it because he doesn’t want the issue solved (which you called “the number one problem and huge danger for America”). He fears that Biden would benefit from it and that it would eliminate a problem that Trump could otherwise attack him for. Think that through and what it means about Trump’s commitment to doing what’s good for the country vs what’s good for himself.”
Again, we had once in a generation bipartisan solution to this a few months back but Trump killed it. Proof that he’s more interested in personal gain than what’s good for the country. Criticize Biden all you want, yes, but Trump has no credibility on the issue he makes the most noise about.
5. As for Trump’s legal problems, yes, “too much to count”. You go straight to the hush money case (the least significant one) and compare that to Hunter Biden. Yes, Hunter Biden is a screwed up, privileged nepobaby
who owes any success he’s had to that fact that his dad is president. But consider the following:
HUNTER BIDEN IS NOT THE PRESIDENT (and JOE BIDEN was not in office when these charges were made)
The “China Money” charges were brought by a Republican controlled House Committee that was looking to destroy hius reputation for political reasons. Again, I’m not saying Hunter is a saint, but the personal attacks against him by Republicans in Congress has very little to do with maintaining law and order.
If you believe Hunter did something wrong with China, what do you think of Jared Kusher, Trumps’ son in law, making $2 billion on a shady Saudi investement deal? Now that’s a serious conflict of interest that Trumpers don’t seem to want to talk about
Hunter was just found guilty for a weapons violation in a court of law. Again, very unusual case that had no precedent (he lied on an application to get a handgun but did not commit a violent crime. Previously, the only people charged with this had used their guns while committing a crime)
Compare President Biden’s reaction to Hunter’s verdict to Trump’s reaction to his. Biden accepted it, said it was the will of the jury, and that’s the way the system works, and that he would not pardon his son or interfere with sentencing. Trump falsely accused the judge in his trial of being out to get him, rejected the findings of the jury, and blamed Biden for making the trial happen (FYI, it was a state trial, not federal–Biden had nothing to do with it
6. Not sure what points you’re making here. Why wouldn’t it be fair to ask you about your opinion on this issue? EVERYONE IS BIASED! The key thing is can you explain what you believe using evidence? or are you just throwing out some lazy opinion that you can’t support?
Show me where you found a reference to Biden calling the Houthi’s “freedom fighters”. (I asked you to do that last time)
The fact that Iran is behind it is obvious, that’s not secret info that Biden can’t figure out (again, where are you getting that from??).
You can’t just say “until Biden wakes up and understands this, why argue?” That’s bullshit–you’re dodging the responsibility of having to use facts to prove your point.
I think I understand where you’re going when you talk about the Muslim world’s lack of progress. And I would agree that not separating religion from government has a lot to do with problems in that part of the world, as well as the rejection of democracy that goes along with it.
Funny thing though, that’s what a large part of MAGA supports. Trump’s selling “American” bibles that contain the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, religion is the motivation behind getting rid of abortion rights, Louisiana just passed a law requiring the 10 Commandments to be posted in schools. MAGA is heavily connected to Christian Nationalism They are erasing the separation of church and state, and moving in the direction of theocracy.
And then there’s the issue of MAGA’s attack on democracy, but I already went over that.
Biden removed the “terrorist” designation against the Houthis in Yemen back in 2021 because it prevented the UN from providing humanitarian aid to civilians in that country who were caught in the middle of Yemen’s civil war. He’s always been critical of the Houthis, and I could find no reference of him calling them “freedom fighters”. If you can find the link please send it to me. In any event, he reinstated the terrorist designation against them on January 17th, 2024. The American soldiers were killed on Jan 28th.
7. What do you mean, “Stocks are always at all time highs” They are now, even though Trump predicted back in 2020 that the market would crash if Biden won. Not sure what you’re getting at talking about tech stocks–they’ve been fueling the market for 25 years now–presidents don’t have a lot to do with that (or gas prices,as I said in my last response)
To save time, I’ll repeat my statement on inflation that you didn’t address:
“But you have to be fair about it. It didn’t start magically on Jan 20, 2021–the day Biden took office. If it was strictly Biden’s fault then why is inflation an issue across the globe? Yes, Biden has contributed, but inflation was largely caused by the pandemic and the war in Ukraine (Russian oil boycott had a lot to do with rising gas prices over the past 2 years, (plus oil companies took advantage of the situation and made record profits)
And also, the US economy was strong when Obama left office in 2017. Trump portrays it as a disaster–simply not true. It made a remarkable recovery that Trump inherited, and yes, continued. But it’s not like he’s this business genius who swooped in and saved us from a depression–not at all. Here’s a BBC article that shows the economy in 2020 under Trump in 6 charts. Trump is a great self-promoter, but just because he says it doesn’t make it true (here’s an account of how much he lied during his term in office.). Rember, things don;’t immediately and magically change (for better or worse) when a new president comes in.
8. Vivek?? Whatever, another dishonest con man riding on Trump’s coattails
9. How many of the top 10 richest people in America declared bankruptcy? None.You can dismiss it as just another business/legal strategy, but there are victims. What happened to all the people Trump owed money to every time he declared it? They didn’t get paid and in many cases suffered or when out of business themselves. You’re OK with that? Ask a guy like Warren Buffet what he thinks of Trump. And when I say there are tax loopholes for reasons, it’s due in many cases to corruption–influential people rigging the system so they don’t have to pay. I’m not endorsing it.
10. I addressed your statement about Trump being “amazing for the economy in point 7. He also increased the federal debt by 7 TRILLION DOLLARS! Over 3 trillion of that number was for a tax cut for the rich that was supposed to pay for itself (but of course never did). I recall him saying back in 2016 that he would fix that problem and balance the budget due to his remarkable business skills.
Wars? Trump wants to let Russia take Ukraine. Biden has been a strong supporter of Israel, (not easy to do when Netanyahu has seriously mishandled Israel’s response) and has gotten a lot of shit from the hard left (“Genocide Joe” for supporting them.
And there you have it. I took a lot of time to back up my points with links. I’m hoping you will take the time to actually look at them.
Hopefully you noticed that I used all kinds of sources, not just FOX News, and worked to address the specific things you said. See if you can do the same.
OK, your turn…

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