Category: Business

  • 2. Analyze the following article: Improving Negotiation Skills: Rules for Master Negotiators. Describe a key point that stood out to you as a critical step you need to take in future negotiations. What is one area you think you need to improve to be a better negotiator? Also, explain the importance of Rule 2:…

  • Competencies 304.2.1 : Graphical Charts The graduate understands the types and uses of graphical charts in operations management. Scenario A shoe manufacturing company is having a problem with returns and customer complaints in their boot division. Top executives are meeting to figure out what these problems in the boot division are costing the company. Requirements…

  • Module 8 has explored the considerations that need to be made before a firm decides to enter the international market. Not only will firms need to consider liabilities of foreignness, ownership advantages, and location advantages, they will also need to consider the advantages of internalisation. By making use of the OLI and the CAGE frameworks,…

  • Overview The final project for this course is the creation of a polished business presentation consisting of a formatted and revised business letter, a dynamic spreadsheet, and a formatted and revised slide presentation. In the professional environments of today, one of the most important and frequently used tools for communicating information is an office productivity…

  • Special Project: a. Student will watch the videos and read the assigned article. b. Student will watch a mock interview in Big Interview 1. Go to Big Interview 2. Click on My Dashboard 3. Click on Practice (top menu) and then Practice Interviews 4. Pick 3 interviews to watch 5. Take notes during these…

  • Minimum Requirements: Your post length should be between 250-400 words and each reply to a peer should be 200-300 words. All post should reflect critical thinking, and quality writing – be polite and respectful in all posts. Answer both of the questions below in your initial post: After your study of Chapter 7, what is…

  • ALL ASSIGNMENTS ON SEPARATE DOCUMENTS PART 1 Think of an ethical issue you have been a part of, either personally or professionally, such as nepotism, a data breach, inappropriate social media posts, or harassment/discrimination. Next, pick one ethical approach (Utilitarian, Deontological, Virtue, or Commweekarian) and explain how you will use this approach to remedy the…

  • OVERVIEW: Foreign exchange impacts the profitability of transactions in international markets. It can turn a profitable business into one that loses money and can turn an unprofitable business into one that makes money. Analyze the impact of foreign exchange on different business scenarios and present your findings in a short business memo. SCENARIO: You manage…

  • Using the attached Guidelines, please develop your own Personal Code of Ethics. This assignment requires you to reflect on your results in the ELI and the EthicsGame to identify your core values and beliefs. Your reflective essay will be three (3) paragraphs in length plus your 2-3 sentence Personal Code of Ethics as your concluding…

  • Purpose This unit, you will begin working on the final Retail Store Performance Analysis due in Unit 8 by creating your outline. The Retail Store Performance Analysis is an opportunity to apply the data analysis skills you have developed throughout this course. Task Review the case study provided and the associated tasks. For this unit,…