The purpose of this assignment is to practice an important aspect of the writing process: synthesizing the information from a scholarly article and drawing meaningful connections to future implications. First, select an industry with which you are familiar and in which you intended to have your future career, such as health care, marketing, retail, technology,…
The Final Comprehensive Analysis is similar to the Midterm. Find a new dataset from an open-source resource, complete a desсrіptive, predictive, and presсrіptive analysis using the Final Comprehensive Analysis Instructions and Rubric Excel file attached below. Consider including the following: trends, frequency distributions, distribution measures (mean, median, mode, average, sum, etc.), countif, sumif, Vlookup, percent…
I need someone to download data of the SBF120 (france index) via Workspace and do regression analysis′ via R. It is to look at the implementation of a policy: the gender quota implemented in 2011 in France, where 40% of the Board of directors had to be female. So the percentage of female directors is…
Just need few submissions for uni to be done, presentations with sources. Anyone willing to do it could do it, I just dont have the time to do it and i dont want to drop out of uni. Have multiple homeworks in business field that I could offer to you.
Requirement of a fully functional dashboard in Excel for June 13th 5:00 PM EST before the first simulation (details below). Requirement of a completed answer sheet on Word about manipulations completed through a set of ERP SIM simulations (June 13th, June 15th, June 17th) and how the data in the Excel file responded, this all…