1) All papers must be typed or printed by the word processor. Type size must be a font acceptable as indicated in Chapter 2 of the APA Manual such as Times New Roman, 12. 2) There shall be a margin of one inch on the top, bottom, and each side of the page. 3) Double-space,…
Paper 2 Write a 3-4 page paper on one of the following prompts. Write a 3-4 page paper on one of the following paper topics. Your pages should contain about 300 words each, and the font should be 12pt. Times New Roman. You If you wish to write your paper on a topic other than those…
There’s no single way to approach a marketing strategy. Your strategy should evolve and change to fit your unique needs. Your goal in this section is to describe how you’ll attract and retain customers. You’ll also describe how a sale will actually happen. You’ll refer to this section later when you make financial projections, so…
Innovation Approach is part 1 of project Strategic Plan part 2 of project everything else is a resource and what i need done needs to match with the other two parts.
Each person will build a portfolio. Over the next four modules, people will create, polish and prepare a different section or document to be included in their portfolios. While the list below is recommended, not all items are required to create a successful portfolio. After all of the components have been created, polished and prepared,…
Your final paper will showcase your communications acumen built from the entire course. This final paper will be explained throughout the last few weeks of the course, with enough classroom discussion. Your final paper will focus as much on communications ethics as well as displaying your overall acumen. Each task must be answered within the…
not sure how many pages but i have put 2 files the first one is the task and the second one is an example of how the portfolio should be
What skills are most important for a community-development practitioner? What type of training or education would prepare practitioners for developing these skills? Submission and Assessment Guidelines Meets 250 word minimum Incorporates credible evidence such as statistics, data, or quotes from experts but does not include your opinion Is proofread with proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling …
In 2-3 double-spaced pages address the following question: Evaluate the potential of the local food movement to form the basis of community-development programs. What are the critical obstacles to building a local food system, like a farm-to-school program? Respond to the criticism that local food programs are directed primarily to wealthy families. Minimum two double-spaced pages An outstanding…
Instructions Course Objectives: CO4: Integrate tools such as process mapping, quality control charts, other quality tools, and inventory models to support supply chain management effectiveness CO8: Compose the results of operations and case studies effectively in writing the results of operations analysis and case studies Prompt: According to the assigned case study, as 3M went…