Category: Business

  • Purpose of this Assessment The purpose of this final assessment is to assess your ability to accurately analyze and apply operations management theories. You will act as if you have been hired as a consultant to analyze and present recommendations to Corus’/Tata’s (a steel manufacturing company) operations management practices. Assume you will present your recommendations…

  • Reading: Please read the following article from The Wall Street Journal (WSJ): “How Taylor Swift Fans Broke Economics” ( Create an account on My Sam for free WSJ access, as detailed in the syllabus instructions. Prompt: The article notes that despite the skyrocketing prices in the secondary market for Taylor Swift concert tickets—often exceeding eight…

  • Kindly prepare a crisp research paper abstract (abstract only) for the attached paper. Kindly keep it under 300 words max but above 150 words. Please use the attached guide for preparing the abstract.

  • Your Local (Madison, WI) Convention Visitors Bureaus (CVB) has decided to put on an Event Competition to allow local event companies to compete against each other by presenting the best detailed, attractive event project proposal. The proposed event must have a unique event concept that can boost the local economy. The winner will get a…

  • Please review the attached Word document with instructions. Location, location, location! Where a firm intends to build its facilities is of strategic importance. Before the location decision can be made, many factors must be considered. You will explore the seven major factors that affect location decisions. Review the resources associated with location strategies. Identify a…

  • CASE STUDY: RECRUITING ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Case studies have a practical application in business, as many operational leaders need to practice situations that they may face. We can look at a situation in the Tanglewood organization to understand the concept of the issues any business might need to resolve. By reviewing the data, we can…

  • For this assignment, you will be using the Week 4 Problem Set Using the dataset provided, summarize each variable using the best measures of central tendency for that specific variable type. Identify any relationships between age, gender, and attitudes towards investing in online distribution channels (INT1–4) and attitudes towards the CMS (CMS 1–3). Identify any…

  • The weekly article research is about how technology is influencing businesses and the impacts of it on your perspective field. Each week you must use a different article that is no older than 30 days. The half page summary will address the following points: • How is technology affecting businesses and making them more profitable?…

  • This week we are discussing the globalization and localization of food and drink. To help illustrate these concepts, please read about Sister Doris. Please read the following and share your thoughts: “Meet the German Nun Who Brews Beer–Sister Doris”. CNN Travel, October 29, 2014. to an external site. Read (or listen, the audio link…

  • Week #3- DQ2: Discerning the right kind of electronic messaging in business First, read this short article in Forbes magazineLinks to an external site. about generational preferences with digital communication. Second, listen to this brief radio interview by Kai Rysddal who discussed with Victoria Turk the modern etiquette (etiquette is the set of polite rules…