Category: Business

  • Project 3: Business Plan Review Due in Week 6 Project Purpose In this project, you will write the beginning sections of a business plan that can be used to solicit investors or financing for the new business. The purpose of this assignment is to develop the critical thinking and entrepreneurial mindset necessary to translate the…

  • Assignments for Module 1 Real-World Experience: Windshield Survey: A Community Assessment Strategy Assignment #1a: Windshield Survey (Group activity) Background: oStudents will select a community or zip code area near where they live or attend school. Each group of students, will walk through the chosen community making assessments associated with a traditional windshield survey. The details/instructions…

  • Business Ethics – Week 2 Assignment Analysis of Discussion Comments Please review the DQ forum for this week. Select 2-3 postings from your peers to analyze in your personal assignment response. For your personal assignment this week: Write a 1-2 page summary on your analysis of the discussion comments and how you believe this content…

  • In this assignment you will choose a public company OR a non-profit organization (501c3) that publishes some version of an annual report – either a “10-K wrap,” a “glossy annual report,” a “glossy” annual report on a website or an ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) report. You will ALSO look at that company’s/organization’s social media.…

  • “”””””Important note””””””” please please don’t use AI, don’t use hard or un-understandable English as I’m an international student so make sure that the grammar is for international students. Every specific detail will be given below please work based on it and don’t use things that aren’t mentioned in the details, I’ll also link the rubric…

  • You will choose a public company, delve into its cash flows, and analyze a hypothetical expansion situation using the financial data available. Instructions: 1. Company Selection and Financial Retrieval: Pick a public company that piques your interest. Obtain its latest financial statements. 2. Cash Flow Interpretation: Using the acquired financial data, delve into the company’s…

  • Scenario You work as a director of leadership and learning for an organization that makes prosthetics. This year’s employee engagement survey results for the organization show that some leadership practices are rated lower, while some practices were rated higher. The new chief human resources officer (CHRO) met with the team to discuss the general results.…

  • Overview Great work! After successfully completing analyses of your company’s internal and external business environments, you have now reached the final project milestone. In this assignment, you will conduct a buy-build-ally analysis of the company and recommend a strategy that the company can implement over the next five years to achieve the targeted growth. Prompt…

  • Introduction, write an introduction/overview of a company listed on the stock exchange (check to be sure they have annual reports available online). Describe the company and their product(s)/service(s), a brief history, their vision and mission (if they do not have formal statements describe what you feel they might be) the industry they are in, their…

  • I need you to write two recommendation letters, each with a word count of 350 words. You need to play the roles of my two professors and write two recommendation letters from their perspectives to help me apply for a graduate degree. Both of my professors were teachers of my undergraduate courses, and I attended…