Category: Business

  • SCENARIO A shoe manufacturing company is having a problem with returns and customer complaints in their boot division. Top executives are meeting to figure out what these problems in the boot division are costing the company. REQUIREMENTS Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission…

  • Table 7.3 in the Common Sense Talent Management Book (Chapter 7) identifies typical talent requirements addressed by development processes. Even though all these talent requirements are important, if you were to prioritize the top four talent requirements for your company, which ones would they be? Why? Table 7.1 in the Common Sense Talent Management Book…

  • Overview: In this assignment, you will embark on the initial phase of a four-phase exploration into corporate finance. You will choose a public company, delve into its cash flows, and analyze a hypothetical expansion situation using the financial data available. Instructions: 1. Company Selection and Financial Retrieval: Pick a public company that piques your interest.…

  • Getting started: Visit the Course Tools / Portfolio tab of the classroom and view the following video about the use of Portfolio: Portfolio Video. Course Objective: CO-1: Describe the environment in which business operates. Prompt: In a 7 to 10 slide PowerPoint presentation, describe the four to five stages of the business lifecycle. What are…

  • Please gimme a high quality paper with ZERO plagiarism, be on time! I need a polished without significant mistakes. Don’ use any AI, BE HONEST! BE ON TIME! I will send you the materials when the question is assigned

  • This is a class discussion post. You will respond to this post, and answer the classmate’s response (below the bullet points) separately. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Discuss how changes in the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy affect at least 1 of the 4 components of GDP (consumption, investment, government spending,…

  • Instructions Complete the final, cumulative strategic plan and leadership analysis for your company or organization. Use all of the tools necessary to summarize the strategic and implementation plan. This final evaluation should be 10-12 pages in length, have at least 3 references, and be APA formatted; you may reuse, adapt, and combine work previously completed…

  • OVERVIEW. The purpose of this research project is for you to create a scholarly piece of graduate-level research and writing, that conforms to the current APA edition format. Competency in the current APA edition format is required of all. Business graduates of Liberty University, as set forth by policy of both the Graduate Faculty and…

  • View the video and summarize it in around 500 words. Do not put anything directly from the transcript of the video. The stress should be on what you learned from the video and how you plan to incorporate the ideas into your understanding of Lean Principles. The document should be professionally created with paragraphs for…

  • Please provide a narrative for the deliverables on your grant agreement. Your narrative should describe your progress/activities completed from February 15, 2024 to May 31, 2024. 1. Host three (3) community educational events that includes information about the mental and physical health impacts of tobacco/vape use and its association with chronic disease. • Please discuss…