Is there a strong sense of validity in explaining juvenile delinquency and behaviors through development and neuroscience? Culpability has often been discussed in various circles pertaining to adolescence. What age, if any, do you gauge is a “good” age to state a juvenile is culpable for their actions, particularly delinquent/criminal? Do you agree that waivers…
I’m sending the comments he left for this paper I had previously submitted, I need it revised as the question of topic above was not answered properly before hand, and I need done what he’s asking specifically in citing the page number from the course which I’ll leave the name of below. This is from…
After reading the articles about the mail bombs sent out during the 2018 midterm elections, explain the role of Emergency Management and Homeland Security in this scenario about parcel (supply chain) security. Recommend some communication plans that would prevent or disrupt this type of threat. In your community, what are some common transportation and parcel…
After analyzing the “Anytown, USA” and your own community, explain some possible transportation and parcel threats that could occur in your community, municipal, state, or region. Recommend some prevention strategies to avoid transportation and parcel threats or disruptions you could present to your mayor and other stakeholders in your area. How will you communicate these…
BCJ470 Unit 3- I need an essay based on the following question/statement: – “Discuss why crime theory is useful for crime mapping..” I only need about 300 words. Use standard essay format/proper citation
If you could solve one major problem facing the world today, what would it be and how would you tackle it? How can your academic aspirations help achieve a resolution? Homelessness & criminal justice are intertwined.
The passion is community service, donating time to help others, serving plates to the less fortunate, and the overall goals should be to join the criminal justice world as an investigator where public service continues.
concentrate on assembling the paper that I have been working on. writer will need to complete the sections –** **Significance of the Study (why do this in the first place) Research Questions (what are the 2 or 3 questions you hope your study will address Significance of the Study (why do this in the first…
Explain why jail classification is important as well as why a professional and well-trained staff is important.
Please read: Complete the following readings: 1-Vito & Higgins (2014). Chapter 10 2-Laub, J. H., & Sampson, R. J. (2019). Life-course and developmental criminology: looking back, moving forward—ASC Division of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology Inaugural David P. Farrington Lecture, 2017. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, 1-14. 3-Farrington, D. P., Lösel, F., Braga, A. A.,…