Category: Education

  • How children develop through play, risk-taking, and movement​ -Theories to support​ it Consider how the play-space can be responsive to children’s complex movement and promote risky play in a safe environment​ –Why risky-play is important​ (no AI in this task) Sources reccommendation:​​​​ Zigging and zooming all over the place: Young children’s meaning…

  • Directions: Read the article Integrated Studies: A Short HistoryLinks to an external site. and answer the following questions in complete sentences. Type each question, then your response. Your responses should be written in complete sentences and answer the question fully and with details from the article and the textbook. 1. According to the article, what…

  • Jeff Hunt discussed the impact of assessment as a tool for teaching standards. He specifically used the term “testing against the standard.” Many of the assessment tools available through EduSoft offer common assessments and benchmarks. This data has shown his teachers exactly where students perform and how to support growth better. Hunt mentioned how assessment…

  • For this assignment, you will complete a formal observation cycle. This will include conducting a mock pre-observation conference, a mock post-observation conference, and completing an observation form while you are observing your selected video. You will select one of the three teacher-observation videos located in the Learn items for Module 8: Week 8: • Watch:…

  • I have attached the rubric. This research proposal is due in three different segments so I will need the same writer for all. I have absolutely no idea how to go about this or how to write one so I’m putting all my faith in you.

  • Program Plan (200 Points) Application of learning is the keystone to learning transfer. To facilitate learning transfer, students will identify an agricultural organization to serve as the context for an educational program targeting adult learners. Students will complete a four- step process while developing an adult program plan. Each section is designed to help facilitate…

  • Critical Reflection Paper (100 Points) Select one of the following theories to write a critical reflection paper: (1) Kolb’s experiential learning theory, (2) Mezirow’s transformational learning theory, or (3) Knowles’ theory of andragogy. The paper should be 2-3 pages, double-spaced, and typed 12 pt. Times New Roman font. The critique should include the following three…

  • Joseph is a member of team of trainers, community developers, and nutrition specialists that is currently working in rural Cambodia to develop an educational and action program related to infant and child nutrition. This group is associated with an international nongovernment organization based in Japan. What the team has learned in the three months they…

  • Shadow and/or observe an assistant principal completing a leadership activity or task. Then, write a brief reflection paper highlighting this shadowing experience. Include a detailed description of the school or alternative-site and the activity. Shadowing experiences can be completed during the instructional day, if coverage is available. If coverage is not available, the following examples…

  • Maureen White Aug 29 10:46pm Last reply Aug 30 8:18am Reply from Maureen White The major message that I pulled from this message and the reflection upon this message is that there must be a culture of a learning community that is reflective, proactive, and inclusive to all members and stakeholders of the school itself.…