Assessment Descriiption Mathematical discourse is the mathematical communication that takes place in the classroom. Effective discourse happens when students share and explain their own mathematical ideas and seriously consider their peers’ perspectives to construct mathematical understandings. Educators play an important role in facilitating such discourse through questioning and other strategies. The Mathematical Practice Standard this…
1. Attached are real course descriiptions and learning outcomes from an intro to literature course, a technical/business writing course from community college. A. Describe a class activity that you might assign to help move students toward one or more of the stated course outcomes. This should be a short-term activity rather than a major writing…
YOUR TASK is to CREATE a meme representing one of the topics you have read about or watched in the course: democracy, social justice, community (culture, language). You are not just looking for one already out there, yours should be unique to you and the course. In addition to the meme you will include a…
Develop a plan showing family engagement. Establishing family relationships. Must be positive, including socioeconomic status in your plan. Develop a family engagement plan
Indiana 2023 standard 4th grade science 4-PS4-1 waves and there applications in technologies for information transfer.
1.Review the list of “Examples of College Reading Purposes” on page 174 of RAW. Then, select 2 of the purposes and, for each, compose instructions for a learning activity or low-stakes (meaning not major course projects) assignment that you might ask students to complete (individually or in groups) to improve their abilities to achieve the…
The authors of RAW identify 2 critical components of rhetorical knowledge that they suggest are essential for students to develop as part of their first-year writing courses: rhetorical awareness and rhetorical adaptability. Review the definitions provided on page 109 (near the beginning of Chapter 5) of these two components and then, for each component, compose…
Can you look at UDC, Prince George’s community college, and Montgomery college and check their adult Education numbers? What, If any, Programs do they have for adult education. Do they have centers? Any helpful data would be good put it in a memo. For context I am hosting an adult education summit in the fall…
Instructional Delivery Models I did not know how to add the Kud Lesson 2 in the payment section. So I guess just part 2 you can do. The power point presentation part. Photos attached for instructions. Thank you so much.
Please answer question 3 with slides using the references below please add pictures and data if needed