Category: English

  • 2 paragraphs: Paragraph 1 (500-550 words): Start with a topic sentence that describes your daily life. Then use the elements of descriiption, illustration, and narration you read about in this lesson to describe your home, family, work, school, and other responsibilities and activities that take up your time. Include information about your schedule and how…

  • Now that you have read through and annotated Bradstreet’s poem, please upload your annotated poem and include a summary of the poem. Remember, a summary is a brief restatement in your own words of the main ideas of a text.  If you were to explain this poem to someone in a minute or less, what would…

  • WriteReflect on the cultural dimensions on the Identity Wheel below. Think about how your cultural identities inform your experiences, values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.The primary dimensions of age, race, gender, ethnicity, (dis)abilities, sexual identity, economic class (childhood), and religion (childhood) serve as core elements and shape our basic self-image and our fundamental view. They help…

  • you will have to complete Peer Evaluations for your classmate’s speeches for a grade. This discussion gives you an opportunity to practice. View the YouTube Speech and complete the attached Peer evaluation form. Make sure you have VERY DETAILED responses in order to earn the maximum points. Do not post document LINKS but attach stand-alone…

  • The following is a sample organizational structure. First Slide: Title, your name, topic, course, and date Second Slide: Introduction—In the introduction, you might discuss why you chose your topic and why it is important. Provide a clear thesis statement. Third and Fourth Slides: Problem Analysis—What is causing the problem? Is it getting worse? What will…

  • The prewriting effectively addresses the purpose of the assignment and the requirements of the prompt. The writer included all the required introductory information: a topic, background statement, and thesis statement. The thesis statement makes a claim or takes a position on the topic, and the main points are outlined clearly. The writer included at least…

  • Avoid miscommunication and misunderstanding: Incorrect spelling or a lack of punctuation may create confusion. Your audience may be left guessing what you are trying to say. Spelling errors and grammatical mistakes may also change the meaning of your message, which might result in misinformation. In this and other courses, you will be asked and required…

  • Overview In the Module, we have been looking at the connection between reading and writing. For this assignment, we are going to apply that connection. We are testing the hypothesis that reading gives us something about which to write. The Journal is going to be a practice run for your first Reading Response, which is…

  • Instructions We will practice your understanding of the research process by identifying the steps in a research article. Read the article, Association Between Social and Environmental Factors and Physical Activity Opportunities in Middle School by Furong Xu et al. Answer the following questions:

  • Note: For this assignment, please avoid sharing any sensitive information you would prefer to keep private. For example, the omission of company names is acceptable and will not impact your grade. To complete this discussion: Begin by reviewing a cover letter that you have written in the past. If you do not have a cover…