Category: English

  • Hello Writer, This work is a continuation of all our work. Please emphasize the importance of originality in your writing to ensure academic integrity and credibility. Please, when referencing external sources, follow the MLA format. If you need more information I need you to ask me as soon as possible for the success of this…

  • Collect observations, notes,images, digital artifacts, quotations, and references that show your understanding of the novel to create a reading journal. Be sure to incorporate an audio/visual element and do not use Images that already associated with your novel or any film adaptations.

  • In SWK-645 you selected a focus for your capstone paper and completed a literature review. Review your existing literature review and be sure to make any suggested changes from your SWK-645 instructor. Now you need to start putting together the presentation due in Topic 3 and the final paper. For this assignment, you will create…

  • Part 1 discussion In this activity, you will begin developing your topic and plans for your Research Paper. Remember, your objective for this paper is to analyze issues facing members of your professional or disciplinary community. Start by identifying the professional and disciplinary communities to which you belong or (hope to belong after completing your…

  • The integration of Unmanned Aerial Systems/Vehicles (UAS/UAVs) is playing a significant role in revolutionizing the current Air Traffic Control (ATC) system. Technological advances arising from private companies are being studied and slowly integrated into the dynamic National Airspace System (NAS) we know today. Determine the influence of this technology today and in the future in…

  • Once you have received feedback from your instructor on your rough draft, it will be time to revise your Rhetorical Analysis Essay and submit the final draft. When revising, carefully review the feedback you have received from your instructor, along with the Module 1 Heads-Up: Rhetorical Analysis Essay page and grading rubric. To earn credit…

  • This unit, you have 1 assignment to complete. Select the button below to access detailed instructions for this assignment and to submit your work. Issue Exploration Overview Identify a news article that discusses a current event or social issue that relates to your field of study. Follow the instructions below to explain the issue, provide…

  • Please note that there are two posts needed to successfully complete the discussion board assignment. An initial post addressing the discussion board topic is due by end of day Saturday. A response post to at least one other student is due by end of day Tuesday. Your initial post should be about 300 words. Your…

  • In Unit II, we discussed that there is a process to writing but that there is no one, specific, start-to-finish process. Instead, the process is cyclical. Additionally, you learned that it is important to understand yourself as a writer and that you have your own process. In Unit III, you wrote your first paper for…

  • This assignment asks you to assess a workplace situation and determine what could or should have been done to prevent the situation. Take what you have learned about transformative leadership to support your position. Purpose of the Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is for you to analyze the case study provided to determine what…