Category: English

  • Week Three: Discussion Contains unread postsMust post first. There are countless cases of discriminatory practices within organizations that privilege employees on the basis of race or gender. Research such a case and present some of the pertinent details, then on the basis on our weekly readings and your research, describe how you’d attempt to rewrite…

  • Week Three Course Blog Project Throughout this course you will read scholarly work on questions of diversity, exclusion and inclusion. You will write a weekly blog reflecting upon those issues, but rather than offering an unsubstantiated opinion on these matters, you’ll be expected to offer a unique but informed opinion supported by scholarly research and…

  • Use the “Case Study: Mrs. T.” template to complete the assignment. Case Study: Mrs. T. has indirect care experience requirements. The “NRS-455 – Case Studies: Indirect Care Experience Hours” form, found in the Topic 1 Resources, will be used to document the indirect care experience hours completed in the case study. As progress is made…

  • Essay Prompt: Rhetorically analyze Stanley Milgram′s article, ″The Perils of ObedienceLinks to an external site..″ The most important thing to remember is that you are NOT arguing with the author, or commenting on the topic. I want you to identify the purpose of the writing, and provide an analysis on his use of each of…

  • Task Your task is to write a response to each of the following prompts for the story “The Penthouse” by Andrew Holleran, they are on specific aspects of fiction: A dialogue that helps “you” better understand a situation or a problem in the story (350-400 words; 10 points). A character that stands out “to you”…

  • Guidelines for Essay Two: Visual Analysis Assignment Guidelines Compose a rhetorical analysis of the image you selected. Remember, your essay should argue for a particular interpretation of the image. Select an image from the array of images posted in iCollege. Consider the following elements of your image: The rhetorical situation of the image, including the…

  • Read and analyze chapter 2: Fertility and conception are hot topics across the nation. There are many different beliefs about conception and fertility. As you read this chapter you will see all the different types of contraception and fertility options there are out there. With the ever expanding technological aspects of these options they have…

  • ASSIGNMENT: Using your research question, working thesis, and outline from Touchstone 1.2, create an annotated bibliography that provides a synopsis of your sources and an explanation of how you will use them. As this assignment builds on Touchstone 1.2: Write a Research Question, Thesis, and Outline, that Touchstone, as well as Touchstone 2.1, must be…

  • Your final project for this class is a 2000-2500 word paper on a specific work. The paper is to be written in Times New Roman, 12 point font, MLA style with Works Cited page including at least 5 sources and in-text citations. USE HEADINGS! The following sections must be included in the paper: 1: Introduction/Brief…

  • I need help piecing my analytical essay together, especially the introduction/ thesis and body paragraph. I need it to be at least a B paper as I have been getting low grades in my analytical essay. Here is the story / text my paper needs to be based on and these are the essay instructions…