Please reflect on the discovery that extreme sanitation may be maladaptive. – Explain how/why this is so, with reference to the human immune system and microbiome. – Refer to: other cultures, various subsistence modes, and other times in history in your answer (in other words, use a comparative method).
Please post your rough draft of your Memoir here. Your rough draft should be attached to your post as either a Microsoft Word document or as a PDF. This draft should be a complete draft (1200-1500 words) to ensure that you will as much valuable feedback as possible from your classmates. Keep in mind that…
Topic: Identify a cardiac or respiratory dysfunction and its cause. Outline the key steps necessary to prevent the dysfunction and improve health status. Initial discussion question posts should be a minimum of 200 words and include at least two references cited using APA format. Responses to peers or faculty should be 100-150 words and include…
Celia Moore offers the following example of how an individual may use mental maneuvers to “disengage” his or her “conscience” (not the technical term) from his or her immoral actions. Ms. Moore used the moral disengagement principles to describe the maneuvers. “Imagine Sam has an internal standard that prohibits theft, but has taken a newspaper…
Feedback for MA #1 Final Draft Submission Feedback Overall Feedback According to the MA #1 assignment sheet, you were supposed to pick one presidential advertisement, and evaluate the rhetoric used in that one advertisement. Additionally, I posted two different word counts for MA #1. One of the word counts was listed as 1,000 to 1,500…
Hello, I am looking for help with cleaning up my Final paper. It’s an “extended definition” about ADHD. I am going to attach my final paper and a well detailed word document with instructions/rubric. The paper is pretty close to being completed, but it just needs a clean up and needs to have some images…
Deliverable: In a Word document, create an email complete with a heading, greeting, intro, body, conc, salutation, and signature line. The email should be of a serious nature to a company, government entity, employer, or another person of your choice (except me). Upload the Word document to the Unit 1 Dropbox. It should be single-spaced…
I need 3 1 page annotated bibliographies written on Mental health with the African American Culture Due by 6/13 8pm
Have is used with the subjects I, We, You, They. Has is used with the subjects He, She, It. I have a red pen.Can you lend me a blue one? She has it. I have been searching for the document. She has kept it in the draw.
Thesis: (Include these words and ideas in one sentence and in an order that makes sense.) “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”… author… effective/ineffective… ethos Topic Sentence A: (Include these words and ideas in one sentence and in an order that makes sense.) Transition word (lavender GC)… effective/ineffective… ethos… diction/credentials/tone/evidence… Idea 1: (Select one) diction/credentials/tone/evidence… Topic…