Category: English

  • Decision-making for students with disabilities should include all relevant stakeholders. Collaboration with families concerning the practical application of assessment results to the classroom setting is important for building trust and rapport. School-based team members can contribute feedback on how to incorporate assessment results into the development of the IEP. Special education teachers should be up-to-date…

  • his assignment will give you the opportunity to learn how to use the library’s online catalog so that you will be able to confidently locate books and e-books when you need to. You will also learn how to locate articles and evaluate your sources. Now that you are in college, you will always want to…

  • Group Category Peer Review – Evaluating Articles Group Name Group 12 Instructions You have been randomly assigned to review the quantitative and qualitative evaluation reports submitted by one of your classmates. Click on this link to access your folder. Look for the folder with your name and your partner’s. Inside the folder, you will find…

  • Lots of reading for this week! Let us talk about it. For your initial post (Due by Sept 6 Friday 11:59p): Juan Seguin’s remains were ultimately brought to Texas where he was buried with honors. What did Seguin do to earn this special treatment? How did race and prejudice prove to be more powerful than…

  • My topic is studying the phycological demeaner and actions of individuals weather it be terrorist, terrorist groups, prison inmates, convicts on trial of watching how people to react to discipline let alone handle the outcomes of their actions for years to come. (criminal justice major) Assignment objective: Create an annotated bibliography of two academically credible…

  • Overview In this assignment, you will continue to work with the text you chose for the project. Like the reading response you completed last week, this activity will guide you in analyzing key aspects of the text. This assignment will prepare you to explain the writer’s choices in relation to the genre of the text…

  • you need to read p. 31-55 of Back to School. After you have done the reading, you need to write two paragraphs. The first paragraph should focus on Maria. Begin by explaining who this person is and why Rose is writing about her. Then discuss IN DETAIL her involvement with non traditional students, providing SPECIFIC…

  • “The Information Ecosystem,” by Knute O. Berger and update it for the contemporary/ present moment. Where Berger discusses the rise of cable, telephones, and computers, you may focus on streaming, smartphones, and the Internet. Essentially, you should describe the current information ecosystem to include how information is created and shared as well as how information…

  • Take the prewriting that you do on your own and expand it into a full-length film/ restaurant/ album/ TV review using techniques learned in class. Your review can be positive or negative, but your opinion must be grounded in experience and logic. Additionally, your review must be evaluative and analytical and not exclusively summative. Remember…

  • Thesis: Obesity in young children affects development through increasing risk of chronic disease,impairing performances in academic skills, and interfering with self esteem fueling mental illness. Outline as is on attached file Reference should be no more than 7 years old.