Hi, I have a project due in about 5 hours for my environmental 120 class. I will leave the directions below. Please follow all directions and make it on microsoft power point. Feel free to reach out with any further questions. Thank you! Presentation Content Prior to posting to this assignment, make sure you have…
Please create an info-graphic for the scientific topics I will provide when assigned. MUST have scientific background and experience in creating visual aids/infographics from SCRATCH. (example: through canva) I will also provide my notes/background information on the topic – If are knowledgeable and comfortable with BOTH environmental sciences & creating digital info-graphics, it will be…
Please create an info-graphic for the scientific topic I will provide when assigned. MUST have scientific background and experience in creating visual aids/infographics from scratch. (example: through canva) I will also provide my notes/background information when assigned. If are knowledgeable and comfortable with BOTH environmental sciences & creating digital info-graphics, it will be a simple…