Category: Finance

  • Tactical financing decisions are essential as they guide a company’s immediate financial strategies. They encompass the decisions about how a company obtains and uses funds in the short term. In this journal entry, you will dive deep into a real- world example, analyzing a company’s recent tactical financing decision and suggesting alternative approaches. This exercise…

  • Topic name should include : ESG, Green Technology Innovation and Firm Performance: Empirical Data from Pakistani Listed Companies The interpreted variable is enterprise performance; the main explanatory variable is ESG; the intermediary variable is green technology innovation. The model is unchanged, only need to adjust the explained variable, explanatory variable, intermediary variable. Around the three…

  • Discuss your country’s balance of payment (BOP) situation from 2019 with some observations. Requirements 1. Analyze: – Trade Account _ Current Account – Capital Account 2. Do you find any significant differences in the trade and current account balances during this time? 3. How far of these differences might have happened due to Covid-19 and…