Category: History

  • BOOK REVIEW ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW For many professional historians, writing splendid book reviews is their main method of publishing. Book reviews are just that—they are reviews. They are not chapter by chapter descriiptions of a book’s content. INSTRUCTIONS For this assignment, using the Book Review List located in the Module 1, review the book in…

  • Final Paper: Write an essay arguing the point of view of a border state (Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri)—on the eve of the Civil War—advocating for either union or secession. You can select another state, but will need to discuss with me beforehand. The assignment should be at least 750 words. (Sourcing required; footnotes and…

  • Chapter 12: Manifest Destiny, 1836-1848 Choose only two (2) of the below to write your responses — 30 points each. Please use the Guideline Page in preparing your two (2) responses. 1. Acquiring the Trans-Mississippi West pages 385-389 A. Summarize the main points of the section. B. In your opinion, how did Texas demonstrate Manifest…

  • Description There are four sections in this exam, with 3 or 4 questions each. You are required to answer only one question in each section. Be sure to include as much information as possible to support your answer. Each answer should be 3-5 paragraphs in length. Be sure to cite your sources. It is required…

  • Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the visual elements of one work of art from Modules 1 through 7. This essay assesses the course learning objective to “utilize a formal vocabulary to describe art.” Directions Review the Formal Analysis Essay Guidelines & read/watch the materials provided in the Formal Analysis Essay Readings…

  • Answer the following assignment questions as completely as possible. Formulate your responses in your own words. Do not merely copy answers from your reading materials. When it is appropriate to use quotations or paraphrase from your text materials, be sure to cite your sources properly by giving page numbers in parentheses or using footnotes or…

  • In the late nineteenth century, the United States showed a heightened interest in establishing an overseas empire. The example of European nations and Japan, which were seizing colonies in Asia and Africa, stimulated this expansionism. As a result, America’s territorial boundaries will extend beyond its borders, and its territory will include colonial possessions. Write a…

  • analyze 1 primary document. Select any primary document from either the handout “Origins of North American Slavery and Racism” or the handout “Civil War and Emancipation.” The handouts are posted under “Course Packet” on CANVAS. You are required to reference/cite 2 outside sources (the textbook and other course readings can be those sources. Online sources…

  • For this assignment, you will write a short paper (approximately 600 words) that answers the question: Does Platoon (1986) accurately depict the Vietnam War? Outside research is NOT needed for this assignment, so DO NOT include outside sources in the essay. A works cited page is also NOT needed for this assignment. You must also…

  • you may attend (either in person or via livestream) and reflect on a live performance by the Get Free Collective. In two pages (typed and double-spaced), please address the questions below. You can find more information on the event ” Link 1 ” within the attached word. The event will be available via livestream ”…