Topic: The Black Panthers. This project is not meant to be an expository history assignment. Of course, you do want to explain your topic- the history and the who/what/where/when/why, but you also need to discuss what your topic means to American Studies. Some questions to consider when writing your project are: How does this event/topic…
The Postwar Era (1945-1965) was a period of prolonged economic prosperity. The United States entered World War II still mired in a decade-long depression, but exited the war not only having achieved a double victory over Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan but poised to enter a new period of economic prosperity. The US economy experienced…
Journal: The Battle for the Ballot After reading the Bullet and Martin Luther King’s. Letter From Birmingham Jail briefly describe some of the paralleling similarities and differences in the message in both excerpts. After describing the similarities and differences between both philosophies describe which viewpoint do you find most convincing? Why? Criteria: Two-page double spaced…
At the turn of the century, the black American identity was characterized by class, gender, sexuality, and generational diversity. The black middle and working classes entered the new century more confident about their status in America. However, gaps still existed between black Americans and white Americans. In 2006, the median income for black households was…
I will attach my essay that I wrote please use the information to create the power point. Instructions Oral Testimony: Your oral testimony in the form of a Powerpoint presentation is due by the end of Week 6. The objective of this assignment is to relate information from your written testimony in the form of…
A nutrition is essential for every living person .it’s provide body energy and provide body growth . It’s essential for daily living activities.its help to internal body organs function .
Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Setting icon for guidance on how your…
Juneteenth Lesson Plan – Juneteenth is a federal holiday celebrating the end of slavery in the United States. First, on your own, do some research on Juneteenth. Second, write/create a lesson plan that you can use in a classroom or youth group activity to teach students about the historical importance of this holiday for African…
Find a recipe from the period before 1700 and then write an essay in which you describe and analyze the chosen recipe. This assignment’s primary objective is to establish a connection between the historical recipe and any aspect of historical transformations, interactions, relationships, and so forth. Your essay should include all the elements outlined below:…
A bit different this time…a film and a secondary document. Watch and read the material discussed below and craft a 500-plus word analysis privileging the questions or analytical points highlighted. Each submission must be double-spaced, with one-inch margins all around, in Times New Roman 12 font. A word count should be included with each submission.…