Category: History

  • How did the experience of subjugation and exile shape Hebrew religion and culture? Please provide a specific example for each. Do you think the Hebrews were important in shaping world history, why or why not? Your discussion of the topic should have: A minimum of 350 words Include accurate content and critical analysis Include specific…

  • George D. Wilson’s “If You Survive” Book Review Turn-in Read George D. Wilson’s “If You Survive” LSCO-oriented small-unit leader combat memoir. Write a 3 page Book Review and Analysis using two or three Leadership Attributes and two or three Leadership Competencies from ADP 6-22 Army Leadership and the Profession (July 2019). For each Leadership attribute…

  • Respond to the discussion topic(s) below. The Main Assignment must meet the following requirements: A) includes an original idea or a unique and thoughtful response to a posted question; B) is well-written and in excess of 400 words (but does not exceed 600 words, exclusive of citations); and C) includes citation of two and ONLY…

  • In preparation for the initial post, consider two (2) of the minority groups during 1880–1914: Women’s rights activists African Americans Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe Child workers Great Plain Indians Then, in one (1) to two (2) paragraphs, address one (1) of the following: 1)Explain the socio-economic status and challenges of your minority groups…

  • Full Engagement: Thoroughly explore all materials linked in the module, including the textbook chapter, videos, and articles. Essay Writing: Write an essay, answering one of the following questions in at least 300 words, structured with an introduction (including a thesis statement), body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Question 1: Many of the objects excavated at Mohenjo…

  • “War is one of the great agencies by which human progress is effected. Scourge though it be, and much as its practice is to be deplored, we must still recognize war as the operation of the economic laws of nature for the government of the human family. It stimulates national growth, solves otherwise insoluble problems…

  • Argue from the three readings we have had so far to consider its strengths and weaknesses. Write about how Locke does or does not exemplify the commercialization model. Is Locke talking about capitalism? Where do you see that, nor not? How does Locke fit into either one or the other story? The readings: Wood, John…

  • ASSIGNMENT: You have learned that the historian’s craft involves using evidence from the past to learn and write about what happened. This evidence comes in the form of primary sources, or first-hand accounts or artifacts from the time period that the historian is writing about or studying. These sources provide the foundation for any historical…

  • hello I need somone to complete this essay according to the rubric. Please without any mistakes. and can you please use the books listed in the rubric.

  • Purpose: This assignment asks you to demonstrate the course competency of Global Awareness by explaining how local, regional, national, and global events influenced the interactions between different groups of people in American history. The practice of contextualization is not only a critical skill that professional historians use every day, it is a skill that is…